Page 48 of The Toughest Play

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Autumn shakes her head. “No, you don’t understand what a shit talker she can be. Especially when she’s got a drink or two in her, which she does.”

“Sounds like Griffin.” I lift my chin toward him, and she glances over. “I’ve had to drag him out of more than one bad situation he’s gotten into because of his mouth.”

“We better keep them away from each other. They might be deadly together,” she suggests.

“You might be right.” I swipe my arm over my forehead, stopping the drops of perspiration before they can reach my eyes. “Jesus, it’s hot as hell. What do you say we take a dip in the ocean?” She briefly hesitates before she nods, but it’s enough for me to notice. “Are you sure you want to?”


I take her hand and lead us through the gate and down the driveway.

“Shouldn’t we tell the others?” she asks as we reach the street.

“They know where the beach is if they want to come.” I thought about announcing where we were going, but any time I can get alone with her, I’m taking advantage of. As it is, it probably won’t take long for them to notice we’ve left.

“I can’t imagine living this close to the beach. I’d be on it as much as possible. Scarlett and I are within walking distance but we don’t have the view,” she says as we reach the end of the street. We pass between the large clusters of sea grass growing on either side of the short path and then we’re on the beach itself. No matter how long I live here, every single time I step foot on this sand, I’ll always be stunned by the beauty I see.

“Wow, this is gorgeous.” She glances in each direction as we make our way to the shoreline. “Why isn’t it more crowded?”

“It’s a private beach,” I explain, raking my hand through my damp hair. “Jesus, that sounded so pretentious.”

She smiles. “No, it didn’t. This is a well-to-do area, so I’d expect no less.”

“The only reason I can afford to live here is I got lucky when I found my house. It was a home owned by siblings and they just wanted to get someone to take it off their hands. So I paid a fraction of what I could have.”

“You don’t need to explain or feel ashamed that you live in a nice place. You’ve worked for that.”

“Well, backup quarterbacks typically don’t make huge money, so I never imagined I’d be able to have a home here.”

“Eek,” she squeaks as the water comes in, washing over her feet. “That’s a little too cold for me.”

“Yeah, but it feels amazing. Let’s go for a swim.”

She hesitates once more, and this time it takes longer for her to nod. “Okay.”

“You don’t sound sure,” I point out.

“No, I am. I want to swim.”

I give her hand a gentle squeeze. “I sense a ‘but.’”

She stares out at the horizon. “I’m not comfortable being in a bathing suit.”

“Is there a reason for that?”

She turns her head, checking to see if I’m being serious before she answers. “I’m not comfortable with the way I look in one.”

My gaze scrolls up and down her form more than once. “If it’s any consolation, I think you’re beautiful.”

“Thank you. I don’t want you to feel obligated to compliment me. You don’t need to.”

“Autumn, I don’t feel obligated to do anything. I happen to think you’re damn near perfect, and I have no qualms about sharing that information with you.” She blows out a breath and laughs at the same time, her lips making a sputtering sound of doubt. “I’d say a lot more if I didn’t think it would send you running.”

Like how I stroke my cock every night, thinking about her curvy body beneath me… bent over in front of me… sitting on my face.You name it and I’ve imagined it. She’s definitely not ready to hear any of this.

She walks away from the water’s edge to peel her tank top over her head. Next, she wiggles her shorts down her legs. Folding both items, she sets them on the dry sand before coming back over. I practically swallow my tongue when I see her curves unleashed for the first time. She notices me staring, and frowns.

“What’s wrong?” Her arms cross, covering her middle.

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