Page 32 of The Toughest Play

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“Good luck. Drop me a text and let me know how it goes.”

“I might be otherwise occupied,” I say.

“You won’t be,” she states with so much confidence, I want to prove her wrong. But I’m not going to sabotage my future with Autumn just to prove a point to my sister.

Damn. I really am growing up.

“Bye, sis.”

“Text me,” she yells as I end the call. I’m still smiling as I place my phone down on the counter. I glance at the clock and notice the time.Oh shit.Now I’m running behind and she’ll be here soon. I better get cracking.



Ifollow the main route, as the GPS instructs, but it’s bringing me into an unexpected residential area. I’m hoping it’s not sending me the wrong way. Maybe it’s rerouting me around some traffic? Or maybe the restaurant we’re meeting at is one of those hidden gems you don’t even realize is there until you’re right outside of it.

“Take the next right in five hundred feet,”the GPS announces, and I do as instructed. After I drive for another half mile, the robotic voice begins speaking again.“Your destination is on the left.”

What?That can’t be correct.

Driving slowly, I peer out the window as I pass by the address he gave me. I see his Jeep in the driveway, and keep going until I’ve gone to the end of the road. If I continue forward, I’ll be driving on the beach.Shit. I’m not far enough down his street that he can’t see me. I fish my phone from my bag and call Scarlett.

“Miss me already?” she jokes.

“He’s having me go to his house.”

“What do you mean? He changed the plans?”

“No! That was the plan. I just didn’t realize it. He gave me his address and I assumed it was a restaurant.”

She snickers in my ear. “That’s epic.”

“No, it’s not. It’s bad. Very, very bad.”

“Autumn, chill out. It’s only dessert. It’s the least you can do when he saved you tons of money in car repairs.”

“I know, but I don’t want to be stuck at his house,” I grumble, sounding like an annoyed little kid.

“You can leave whenever you’d like. Unless you decide to stay, which I’m all for.”

“I’m not staying.”

“Well, I’m just gonna put it out there to the universe—I’m hoping I won’t see you tonight.”

“I’m one hundred percent coming home. If I don’t show up, you better call the police because it means I’ve been kidnapped.”

She laughs. “Don’t get all dramatic on me. Take a few deep breaths and go enjoy some dessert with a hot-as-fuck man.”

I groan. “Why didn’t I pay more attention to the address when he told me? I wouldn’t have come.”

“It’s too late to do anything about that. The sooner you get to his house, the sooner you can leave.”

“That’s true.” I sigh, as if the weight of the world is on my shoulders. “I’ll see you as soon as possible.”

“So you say. Have fun.” She hangs up on me.

“Dammit,” I mutter, tossing my phone on the passenger seat. I turn my head over my shoulder, checking for oncoming cars. When the road is clear, I pull a U-turn and head back in the other direction. Now my stomach is unsettled from all the nervous energy bubbling around inside. I felt fine until I realized we’re not meeting in a public place. But Scarlett is right. I’m getting worked up over nothing. It’s not like Rogan is going to pounce on me the moment I walk inside. I didn’t pick up any bad vibesfrom him at all. So if I’m not scared for my well-being, what am I so nervous about?

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