Page 1 of The Toughest Play

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“Damn, Rogan, you’re lighting it up out there again today,” Brett, the starting quarterback of the Virginia Silverbacks, says from beside me at the hydration station.

“Looks like you put some real work in over the offseason.” He hands me a bottle of water during a short break in practice. “But don’t get your hopes up about taking my spot.” He tosses his empty bottle onto the ground at my feet with a smug look on his face, and before he walks away says, “You’ve still got a long way to go.”

Brett Barlow is a complete douchebag, but he’s right about one thing.I’m definitely gunning for the starting position.

“I don’t know, Brett,yourspot doesn’t look so far off to me.”

“What?” He drops his helmet and turns around. “What did you just say to me?” He takes two slow and deliberate steps, getting right up in my face.

I don’t move a muscle or even flinch. “I think you heard me just fine.” I stare calmly and directly into his eyes. “And I appreciate you holding it for me, but I’m coming formyspot this season.”

“Your spot?” Brett’s face turns red as his anger grows. “Yourspot?” He shouts loud enough for anyone within earshot to hear him.

“I’m glad we agree.” I cut him off before he can say anything else. “See you back on the field.” I laugh and step around him, condescendingly patting him on the shoulder as I pass.

He doesn’t take it well.

Within seconds, we’re in a full-on scrum, with the entire team trying to separate us.

“Okay, ladies, that’s enough!” The loudest voice on the field suddenly speaks up.

Head Coach Chubb wades through the mass of players, tossing grown men aside as if they were toddlers, until he’s standing directly between me and Brett.

“I said knock this shit off!” he shouts, grabbing us each by the front collar of our pads. Then he effortlessly shoves us apart and pulls us back together like a couple of rag dolls.

Pete Chubb stands six feet six inches tall and is built like a truck. And he was once a living legend on the gridiron. After a first-ballot hall of fame career, spent menacing quarterbacks league wide as a defensive end for the Virginia Silverbacks, he retired and started coaching the team—and became a legend all over again.

“I must be losing my touch.” Coach grins and waits for both of us to settle down before releasing his grip. “So you two tough guys have enough energy for this nonsense, do you?” His gaze pings back and forth between us. “Then I guess neither of you require a hydration break, do you?”

He’s not really asking.

Dammit. I should’ve drank that water when I had the chance.I cast a longing glance at the full bottle lying on the grass where I dropped it when we went at each other.

“Coach Parker, let’s give these two scrappers something to do,” Coach Chubb shouts as he walks back through the gathered players.

Chris Parker is the team’s quarterback coach, and he’s happy to jump in. “I’m on it. Let’s go, guys.”

Brett and I follow Coach Parker as he walks the full length of the field to the twenty yard line, where the rest of the coaches and players are gathering.

“What’s all this about?” Brett asks, wrinkling his forehead. His lips are like a stern slash across his face as he questions Coach Parker. “Is this really necessary?”

“Let’s go, ladies, I’m not just standing here looking pretty,” Coach Chubb hollers from the sideline. “That’s enough talking. I want to see which one of these scrappers can walk the walk.”

“You heard him, boys.” Coach Parker hands us each a football. “Closest to the crossbar on the goalpost, starting at the twenty yard line.”

“This is bullshit,” Brett complains.

“Somebody better throw a frigging football at that crossbar before I come over there and kick both of your asses for wasting my time,” Coach Chubb shouts, growing tired of waiting.

“Asshole,” Brett mumbles to himself, loud enough for me to hear.

“Maybe.” I drop my helmet and step up to the twenty yard line. “But like he just said, the time for talk is over.”

I drop into a stance and focus on the crossbar. It looks huge to me right now, and I feel like I can’t miss. I smile and take a deep breath.

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