Page 21 of So Hollow

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“I can’t,” he said. “I don’t know where the person who killed her is.”

“We don’t knowwhohe is yet,” she said. “We’ll talk to Oliver, but not all stalkers end up murderers.”

Still, this was a damned good lead, their best one so far. If they could establish a connection between Oliver and Cassidy, then they would have their first true suspect.

“Someone ended up a murderer,” Giacomo said.

His words were soft, but Faith picked up the slight accusation there.

“Yes,” she agreed, “And we’ll find them, whoever it is. I promise.”

The three of them left Giacomo there and headed to Hilary’s office. When they reached the detective, Faith said, “Detective, I need a list of everyone named Oliver who attends classes at Lake Yoga.”

“Samantha Reynard’s school?”

“Yes. We might have a lead. Looks like Samantha caught a guy named Oliver taking candid pictures of the female students. She kicked him out of her class, and he started taking the class right before hers.”

“Huh. Any connection to Cassidy Holt?”

“That’s one of the things we want to find out.”

Hilary nodded. “I’ll get you that list. In the meantime, if you want lunch, there’s sandwiches and donuts in the break room.”

“Donuts for lunch?” Michael asked.

Hilary smiled drily. “We’re police officers. There’s always donuts.”

The three of them headed to the break room. Faith was hungry, but she hoped their lunch would be cut short. For the first time since taking this case, she felt excited. They were finally doing something.

And if they were lucky, they would stop this alchemist before he completedcitrinitas.


Faith was halfway through a turkey club when Detective Hilary returned with a name. “Oliver Pennington. Pharmacist for St. Paul’s Hospital in Glencoe.”

“Wonderful,” Faith said, tossing Turk the rest of her sandwich. The big dog happily snapped the sandwich out of the air and swallowed it in two bites.

Hilary set a printout in front of the two human agents and sat across from them. “Thirty-four years old, has been a dues-paying member of Lake Yoga for fifteen months.”

“Fifteen months?” Michael asked.


“Interesting,” Faith said. “He started taking Samantha’s classes six months ago.”

“I called the studio. It looks like they track memberships, but not which classes their members take. It’s an open studio. The dues pay for everything, so you can pop in whenever you want.”

“Have any complaints been filed against him?”

“None. The woman I spoke to mentioned that Samantha had asked him not to come to her classes anymore, but apparently no one else complained, and Samantha wouldn’t say why she’d asked him to stop coming.”

Faith shared a grim look with Michael. That decision fit with the kind and sympathetic person Giacomo described. It was unfortunate how many well-meaning people unknowingly facilitated the actions of killers.

Well, they didn’t know Oliver was the killer yet. He was a person of interest at the moment, nothing more.

“What’s the connection to Cassidy Holt?” she asked.

“That’s pretty thin,” Hilary admitted. “But Cassidy was seen at the hospital for a twisted ankle, and Pennington filled her prescription for Percocet.”

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