Page 38 of Redeeming

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Think he may have gotten his first pube hair this summer.


Aww. Did it scare you?


Dude. What the hell? Leo’s the one fucking an old chick.


Thinking about it. And she’s not that old.


Like older than thirty? Cause I banged a forty-year-old last year, and that woman knew exactly what she needed and how to get it. None of that quiet shit either.

It didn’t hurt that she had great tits and was all kinds of bendy too.


What stopped you?


Her husband.


That’ll do it.

Iwalk Cait out of the building the next morning with my hand on the small of her back and catch the look Jude gives me as I drop it once we’re through the doors.

“Ignore him,” she whispers, but I’m pretty sure that’s a bad move.

Not that there’s anything I can do about it but watch her get into the back of his SUV before I head to practice. At least I’ll get to hit something...

Hours later, after practice is over and my body is tired and sore, I make the mistake of forgetting about the morning.

About the peace before we got out of bed.

About the feel of her in my arms.

About the look in Jude’s eye before she got into the car.

I forgot about it all as I cleared my mind and focused on prepping for tomorrow.

That is, until I walk out to the parking lot of the practice facility and see the black, tinted-out SUV sitting next to my truck. I know that car. And it’s no surprise when the window rolls down and Sam Beneventi stares back at me with cold calculating eyes.

“Get in the car,” he bites out, and I realize I’m no longer looking at my best friend’s dad.

This isn’t the same guy who used to throw us in the pool.

Right now, in this moment, I’m looking at the head of the Philadelphia Mafia.

“I’m supposed to be meeting someone,” I answer, knowing my siblings are going to be waiting for me at Dad’s house so they can fill us in on what the doctors said this afternoon. But Sam doesn’t look like he gives two shits about what I’m supposed to be doing.

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