Page 108 of Redeeming

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Can someone please explain pink camo to me?

Are we worried about blending in with flamingos?

—Caitlin’s Secret Thoughts

“I’m allowed off the couch, Callen,” I whine to my worrywart baby-daddy.

Yeah. That nickname is sticking. It’s more fun than fiancé.

“It’s a headache.”

He comes back in with a bottle of water and two Tylenol. “Just humor me and take it easy, please. You’re thirty-six weeks pregnant, Caitlin. Your head has been bothering you for two days.”

“It went away and came back. It’s not like it was two days straight, and it’s not like I don’t usually feel like shit in the middle of April in Kroydon Hills. The cherry trees are blooming everywhere. My allergies are always insane this time of year.” Ido take the Tylenol though. I’m swollen, fat, uncomfortable, and now I can add congestion and a serious headache to my list of complaints.

Callen grabs my favorite chunky, cable-knit red throw off the back of the couch and tucks it in around me. “Please just humor me, Caitie, and lie down.” He waits until I do it, then squats down in front of me and hands me the remote. “Take a nap or binge some Netflix.”

Cupcake lifts her head up from behind my legs, and Callen immediately scratches behind her ears before she lays back down. I’m pretty sure she’s got him trained—not the other way around.

“Just take it easy, baby. You’re growing a human in there. It’s okay to take a day off work. Everly told me she’s been trying to get you to take time off, but you refused.”

“Of course I refused. What am I going to do? Sit around here and watch cooking shows all day?” When he opens his mouth to comment, I cock my eyebrow, daring him to be stupid enough to do it. “Besides, I love what I do.”

The doorbell rings, and Callen runs his fingers through my hair and kisses my temple.

Maybe taking it easy won’t be that bad if I get to do it all day with him.

I hear muffled voices as I close my eyes.

“Caitlin . . .”

You’ve got to be kidding me.

Today? When I feel like shit. Today is when he shows up at my house?

I open my eyes to find my dad standing next to Callen, who doesn’t look happy. “Up to you, baby. If you don’t feel up to it?—”

“I’m fine.” I glare at my dad. “He can stay.”

He’s here. I might as well hear him out.

Lord knows, I’ve been waiting for him to show up for months.

Callen nods, then looks between us. “I’m going to give you guys some space. I’ll be down the hall if you need anything. Just holler.”

“Thanks,” I whisper and will my body to comply as I roll to a sitting position.

I miss having a waist.

“Hi, Daddy.” Cupcake doesn’t move from the couch, and I’d laugh if I had the energy. My protective little bulldog. “Sit down. It hurts to bend my neck back far enough to look at you.”

“You feeling okay, Caitie? Mom said you had your checkup this week and everything was looking great.”

He takes a seat across from me, and I all but growl.

That little traitor has been feeding him information.

“Don’t be mad. Of course she was going to tell me what was happening. You’re my daughter, and that’s my granddaughter. I love you. Did you think I wouldn’t want to know?” My father has a level of cocky confidence that comes with the position he holds. You don’t get the kind of power he has without earning that confidence the hard way, and right now, I find it frustrating.

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