Page 102 of Redeeming

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“So does this mean I’m stuck with Declan again next season too?” I ask, trying to lighten the mood. Because we knew going into this thing, the odds weren’t good, and no matter how sad it makes all of us to think of them not in Kroydon Hills, this was really great news tonight.

Best-case-scenario kind of news.

“Because seriously, I’ve invested well. Maybe I should just come with you guys,” I add, joking, and Caitlin kisses my cheek.

“We could raise the baby in Europe and teach her what real football is,” she says as she looks up at me adoringly, knowing exactly what I was doing.

Every man at the table groans, and Murphy throws his napkin. “Say it with me, Caitlin. Soc-cer.Soc-cer. It will never be real football.”

I look around the table and catch Dad smiling at the way I’m holding Cait’s hand and shake my head.

Yeah... Not everyone gets to be this lucky. But we are.

After dinner, I grab Coop and pull him aside. “Hey, man. You still good to go with me tomorrow?”

“Where you going?” Murphy asks as he walks around the corner with a drink in his hand and a curious look on his face.

“Keep it down, asshole. I’m picking out Caitlin’s engagement ring.” I look around to see if anyone else is about to surprise us. Thankfully, no one is.

“No shit,” Murph laughs and squeezes me in a big bear hug. “Look at you.”

“Shut up, Murph. She doesn’t know.” I shove him away as Declan joins us. Andfuck. I know Murphy’s about to tell him.

“Dude, Callen’s gonna propose to Caitlin tomorrow.”

“What?” Declan asks, confused, and I shake my head.

“You’re a moron, brother. I’m getting the ring tomorrow, not proposing tomorrow. Way to keep your mouth shut,” I lecture Murphy, not at all surprised, before I fill the guys in on my plan.

“You’re going to ask Sam for his permission, right?” Declan pushes, and I know he’s right. I just haven’t been ready to think about it yet. “I know you don’t need it. I know she’s her own woman. But as a father of daughters to you, little brother, who’s about to have a daughter of his own, I’m telling you, it means something when they ask. You might hate him right now. Hell,shemight hate him right now. But one day, it’ll be fixed, and he’ll still be her father. Ask.”

I guess when you put it that way, I don’t have much choice.

Especially when I realize I haven’t even met my daughter yet, and when her future husband asks, I’m telling him no.



You sure you don’t want me to come with you?


Thanks, man. But I’m good.


If you survive, do I get to be the best man?


You’re a dick.


Yeah. And . . . ?

I should still be the best man. I mean, there was that one hit. But in over twenty-five years of friendship, I’m pretty sure that’s not bad. I mean, seriously. I broke Rome’s arm once.

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