Page 2 of Before It Was Love

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“Duh. The brewery’s closed on Sunday evenings.”

I frown. “Shouldn’t the bar and restaurant be open on Sundays? It’s the weekend.”

“Come down toBootleggerand we can discuss when the brewery should be opened.”

“Nice try. I’m exhausted from the drive. I’m going straight to my apartment.”

“You leave me no choice.”

Those are words no one wants to hear from wild child Chloe. Who knows what she’s up to? “No.”

“Yes. See you in ten minutes,” she says and hangs up.

So much for avoiding my girls until I can get settled in. I don’t know why I thought I could, to be honest. Mygirlfriends don’t let me get away with shit. At least when I was living in Atlanta, I didn’t have to worry about them showing up uninvited.

I reach the small town of Smuggler’s Rest and turn left. I slam on my brakes when I notice the gray mound lying in the middle of the road.

“Stop! Stop! Stop!” I order my car.

I screech to a halt inches from the gray mound. It doesn’t move a smidge at the near miss. Troublemaker. I jump out of my car and stomp over to it.

“Get off the road, Sammy.”

The seal lifts his head and barks at me.

“I’m serious, Sammy. You can’t be lying in the middle of the road. A tourist is going to run you over.”

He barks at me again.

“Not all tourists are in love with you.”

I swear the troublemaker bats his eyelashes at me.

“Sammy,” I growl. “Get off the road before I report you to the dog catchers.”

He barks as he shuffles off the road.

“Thank you, Sammy!”

He raises a flipper and waves at me.

I climb back into my car and slowly drive past Sammy. I wouldn’t put it past him to jump in front of my car after I claimed I’d sic the dog catchers on him.

I reach my apartment a few minutes later. Nothing is far away on this island. It took me longer to get to the grocery store in Atlanta than it does to drive from one side of Smuggler’s Hideaway to another.

I leave my stuff in the car. I’ll deal with it tomorrow. After I’ve gotten a good night's sleep. Lucky for me, crime is pretty non-existent here.

I dig the key to my new apartment out of my pocket but when I reach the door, I notice it’s already open. I enter to find my girlfriends – Chloe, Nova, Maya, and Paisley – lounging on my sofa.

“Who let you rugrats in here?” I don’t bother asking how they know where my apartment is. There are no secrets on this island.

They squeal before rushing me.

“You’re here!” Chloe screeches before throwing her arms around me.

“It’s about time!” Nova yells.

“We missed you,” Maya whispers.

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