Page 116 of Before It Was Love

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It isn’t long before we’re parking in front ofMilton Hardware.

“He’s in the back,” Weston says before veering off toward the cash register.

My steps slow as I walk down the hallway toward the office. What am I going to say to Jack? Will he approve of me dating his daughter? Will he say I’m not good enough?

I hesitate for a moment before entering the office.

“It’s about time you got here,” Jack says.

“You were expecting me?”

“Lily’s been atBootleggerwith Sophia and her girls for nearly an hour. I figured you’d be here by now.”

He knew I was coming here? I didn’t know until ten minutes ago.

“I’m sorry. I have no idea what’s happening right now.”

He motions to the chair across from his desk. “Have a seat.” He pours two glasses of whiskey and hands one to me. “You’re going to need this.”

“Are you planning to get me drunk and duct tape me to the flagpole naked?”

“Nah.” He smirks. “I figure my daughter will humiliate you enough before she forgives you.”

I sip on the whiskey for courage. “Your daughter?”

He chuckles. “Are you planning on pretending you haven’t been dating Sophia? I thought I taught you not to lie.”

“You did, sir.”

“Yet you tried to hide your relationship with my daughter.”

Screw sipping on the whiskey for courage. I gulp it down. I allow the burn to fortify me. “I wasn’t hiding our relationship.”

He lifts an eyebrow. “You didn’t tell Sophia to keep your involvement quiet?”

I hold out my glass for a refill. I’m going to need it for this conversation. He fills it, and I sip on the whiskey as I prepare my response. Jack doesn’t give me a chance.

“Didn’t I teach you omission is the same as a lie?”

I clear my throat. “You did, sir.”

“And yet you omitted to tell me or Lily or Weston you were involved with Sophia?”

“I… um… was worried about your response.”

“Worried about our response?”

“Weston didn’t take the news well.”

“Weston’s a hothead who refuses to believe Sophia is a grown woman who can make her own choices.”

“What do you believe?”

“I believe Lily and I raised a strong daughter who knows her own mind. Who isn’t going to let a man roll over her. Who isn’t going to tolerate a man who doesn’t fight for her.”

I wince. I should have known better than to let Weston get in my head. Sophia must be pissed I didn’t fight for her this morning.

“But what if she makes the wrong choice? What will you do then?”

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