Page 114 of Before It Was Love

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Islam the hammer down but miss the nail. I hit the wood instead and the beam breaks into pieces.

“Fuck!” I shout and throw the hammer on the ground.

“Er… boss?”

I whirl around to glare at my foreman. “What?”

Gary holds up his hands and backs away. “Maybe you should take a break. Have some lunch?”

Damn it! I shouldn’t be yelling at my crew. “Sorry. I’ll be in the trailer if you need me.”

“We won’t need you,” he mutters as I pass him.

I shove the door to the trailer open and it hits the wall before bouncing back.

“Uh oh. Someone’s in a bad mood.”

Great. This is what I need. A confrontation with my best friend. I prefer to limit my confrontations to one a day but guess I’m not getting a choice. “What are you doing here?”

Weston spins around on my desk chair until he comes into view. “I’m here to kick your ass.”

“Can we do this outside?” I motion to the door.

He stands. “I don’t care where we do this. But it’s happening.”

“I know. I’m surprised you didn’t try to kick my ass last week at the police station.”

He growls. “You think I’m kicking your ass because you’re dating my sister?”

“Why else are you here? You gave me an ultimatum. You or her.”

“You’re an idiot.”

I know. I never should have let Sophia walk away from me this morning. I should have ran her down. Chased her car. Made her listen to me. But I didn’t. I’m a coward.

“You’re clueless, aren’t you?” I don’t answer since I don’t know where Weston’s going with this. “I’m not here to kick your ass for dating my sister. I’m here to kick your ass for breaking my sister’s heart.”

“You’re the one who told me to choose.”

He growls. “You were supposed to choose her.”

“What?” I rear back. “Was this all some fucking test?”

“Yep. And you proved you’re not good enough for Sophia.”

“Fuck. You. I was being loyal to my best friend.”

He snorts. “Do you think I didn’t know you were running around with Sophia before the night you got arrested for stealing the mascot?”

I frown. I did actually.

“Of course, I knew. The entire town of Smuggler’s Rest saw you at the arcade. I must have gotten a hundred messages.”

“You were supposed to be busy on the other side of the island.”

“Dude, this is Smuggler’s Hideaway. There are no secrets on the island no matter how many sheep I have to chase off the road for tourists.”

I rub a hand down my face. Somehow this situation has gotten entirely out of my control.

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