Page 68 of Wicked Submission

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Chapter forty



I wake to the delicious feel of soft sheets around me, the scent of Gabe teasing my nostrils, and I don’t even open my eyes. For a few seconds, I just breathe in this moment, breathe in him. I love how he smells. I love how he makes me feel. Like I matter. I want to feel him now. I roll over and my hand hits empty space. I blink and sunlight brightens my view. I sit up and look around the room that is all masculine heavy wood and dark furnishings, a room created by the man who hides beneath humor. Gabe is so much more than he allows the world to see and yet, in this tiny window we’ve been together, I believe that he’s started to let me inside. It matters. It really does.

I throw off the blanket to find myself naked, and feeling just a little shy, I quickly sit up to grab my cellphone that Gabe plugged into a charger for me. That was thoughtful. Really thoughtful. I look toward the door, where he’s yet to appear, and then dash for the bathroom. Once I’m inside the giant room, I find an old fashioned claw-foot tub and lots of white tile, which is abeachside favorite that I suspect Gabe inherited with the house. It’s simple but pretty.

I shut the door, and to my surprise find my bag I’d packed sitting on the sink. Gabe did that for me. It’s another thoughtful action that has me eager to thank him in person. What time is it? I glance down at my phone to find that it’s nearly eight. I need to be at the ranch helping my mother and I quickly check my messages to find no missed calls. That’s a little odd for my mother, which worries me, but right now, I’m naked, and I need to put something on my body.

Hurrying forward, I open my bag, pull out a pair of leggings and a tank top and dress. Once I’m dressed, I dial my mother. She doesn’t answer, which isn’t normal for her. I need to get to the ranch. I brush my teeth and hair, and I’ve just finished washing the remnants of make-up off my face when my cellphone rings.

Relief washes over me at the sight of my mother’s number. “Morning, Abbie.”


She laughs. “If it’s good enough for Gabe, it’s good enough for me.”

She’s playful and happy. “You’re in a good mood.”

“We survived yesterday. I have every reason to be in a good mood.”

“And you met a hot, rich cowboy?” I tease of the owner of the ranch.

“Brandon isn’t a cowboy, not really. He’s the CEO of a bank who knows Grayson quite well. The two of them really seem determined to help find us a long-term solution to replace our property in the city.”

“Replace it? Do we want to replace it?”

“I want to leave this harassment behind,” she says, her voice tightening, the joy of moments before gone. “I need to leave itbehind.” There’s a desperation to the words and she doesn’t even know about the threats against her.

“I’ll be there soon and we can talk.”

“You don’t have to do that. We’ve got this under control. And I’m going to stay the night tonight, anyway. I’ll ride back with Brandon in the morning.”

We chat a few more minutes and disconnect. Brandon’s help should please me, but my mother’s defeat overshadows this, and I don’t know how she’s going to take hearing about the threat of criminal charges against her. I need to talk to her in person and make sure she doesn’t get sideswiped. And to do that, I need to talk to Gabe. I eye my morning-after-sex appearance in the mirror and fight the urge to make myself look more presentable. I did that with my ex. I wasn’t even comfortable being me and I lived like that for years of my life. I’m not doing that again. If I’m not good enough for Gabe, if the real me is not good enough, I don’t want to do this.

I walk to the door and open it, staring at the bed that’s a tangle of sheets and blankets Gabe and I made together.Together. I never thought I’d wake up on a Sunday morning and be atogetheragain. I had shut down so completely before Gabe.

I head for the doorway and down the hall as I bring the living room, kitchen, and Gabe behind the island, into view. “Okay, Dexter,” he’s saying, glancing from his computer screen to the floor, where I assume Dexter is hanging out. “Should I file a motion or hold off for further negotiations?” He rotates in his seat and looks down at the dog. “Bark once for motion. Twice for no motion. Three times for uncertain.” He waves his hands at Dexter, who gives a funny whine.

Gabe scrubs his jaw. “That’s none of the above. Let me give you the details. Collin Bloom is the CEO of Megna Enterprises and a real dick.”

Dexter barks.

“Motion it is,” Gabe says. “And for the record, I agree. He doesn’t deserve further negotiations.”

I laugh when a few minutes ago I wouldn’t have thought that to be possible, and Gabe turns those beautiful blue eyes on me. “There is nothing funny about Collin Bloom, I promise you.” He motions me forward. “Come have some coffee and I’ll tell you all about him.”

I start in that direction and Dexter rushes around the island and charges toward me, a big smile on his cute face. I meet him halfway to the island and kneel in front of him, only to be knocked over as he starts kissing me. Gabe is there in a heartbeat, helping me up and controlling Dexter. “Bad manners, Dexter,” he says, pulling me to my feet. “But good choice of women.” His hands slide under my hair and he pulls my mouth to his. “Good morning,” he says, low and rough.

“Good morning,” I say, my hand flattening on the hard wall of his chest, the connection electric, warmth spreading up my arm and through my body.

He kisses me again and it’s not a barely-there kiss. It’s a melt-me-in-my-bare-feet kind of kiss that I feel in every part of me. I moan with the impact and he pulls back to look at me, a smile playing on his lips as he says, “Forget the coffee. Let’s go back to bed.”

“Oh no,” I say. “I can’t do that. I need to go to the ranch.”

“I talked to your mother. It’s calm there. Grayson and Mia already had breakfast in bed, so breakfast with us is off. We can go to the ranch to check-in and take your mother coffee.Afterwe fuck in the shower.”

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