Page 6 of Wicked Submission

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He turns me and presses me against the wall, that big, hard, perfect body of his caging mine in a delicious way that makes me forget anything I might be about to say. “You’re worried about getting me in trouble?” he demands.

“Yes.” My hands flatten on the solid wall of his chest. “Because you or Reid have to be the attorney. Really, it’s Reid I need, but he’s gone and—”

“Why Reid?”

“Because my enemy used to be his client.”


“Jean Claude Laurette. Reid managed his investments and—”

“My father managed his investments. Who is Jean Claude to you?”

“Do we have to do this right here like this?”

He studies me, his blue eyes intense, sharp, potent. God, when this man looks at me, I feel it everywhere. And then suddenly, he’s kissing me again, his fingers tangled in my hair, a rough pull to their touch that undoes me in all the right ways. I can’t hold back with this man. I can’t stop the assault on my senses he creates and I melt right here in the hallway.

The only thing that brings me back to the present is the sound of voices nearby. I jolt and Gabe pulls back to look at me. “If we don’t go right now, I’m going to pull you in that bathroom and you won’t leave until you’ve come on my tongue.”

My eyes go wide. “You can’t say that.”

“You prefer I just do it?”

My cheeks heat. “No. I mean—I—”

He laughs, a low sexy laugh, and then a woman rounds the corner. He ignores her and presses his cheek to my cheek, his lips at my ear. “I’m going to enjoy making you blush,” he promises before pulling back and taking my hand. “Come with me.” He starts walking.

I don’t argue. Not when the woman that entered the hallway just glared at me. And not when his hand on mine feels so very good. I’ve been alone this past year, but in truth, I’ve been alone for five years. I was miserable. I know this isn’t possible, he and I aren’t possible, but there is this part of me that needs to feel every moment I can with him until it’s ripped away. He rounds the corner and moments later we enter the bar. He leads me toward my table where I assume we will sit and talk, but that’s not what happens.

The minute we get there, he shuts my MacBook and sticks it in my briefcase before he turns to face me, his handsome face etched with determination. “Where’s your coat?”

“I—at the hostess stand, but shouldn’t we sit down and talk? Or do you want to go to your office?”

He slides my briefcase over his shoulder and cups my face. “I’m taking you home with me. I don’t take women to my home, but I am you.”

His home? “I can’t do that. You can’t do that. I really need your help legally. I’m an attorney, but I can’t represent myself on this. I’ve tried. I need—”

“Reid and me. You need us both to beat Jean Claude. And as an attorney, you know that I can represent you as long as we’re involved before I sign on and I’m honest about it.” He takes my hand. “And we’re involved. I made that decision the minute you kissed me.”

“I can’t—”

He leans in and kisses me. “I can, and enough for both of us. Say yes.”

Say yes.

I want to.

“I can’t believe I’m really going to do this.”

His eyes simmer and he starts walking, obviously taking my reply as a yes. I don’t have time to even try to stop him from dragging me forward. Is he dragging me? No. I’m pretty sure I’m walking quite fast. And do I want to stop him from doing this, whatever this is to him? I don’t. I don’t want to stop him, but we do stop at the hostess stand. “We need her coat,” Gabe tells the girl behind the counter.

The girl nods and walks into the room behind her, while Gabe turns to me, his hands on my waist. “I live right across the street in Battery Park, but the opposite side of the park. I’ll get us a car.” He reaches in his pocket, pulls out his phone and punchesin something I can’t see. “Five minutes that you don’t get to use to back out.”

“This isn’t smart.”

“Smartest thing I’ve done in a long time.”

“Here’s the coat.”

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