Page 150 of Wicked Submission

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We’ve teased about this idea but hearing someone else say it— “Did he tell you he loves me?”

“He doesn’t have to tell me, silly girl. I know him. I see the way he looks at you. I feel it when he talks about you.”

Gabe loves me.

I love Gabe.

It’s too soon for such things and yet—this man is my life.

“What did he do to you?” she presses.

“How easily do you believe Gabe would go after his father at all costs?”

“Far easier than he’d admit. Why?Whatis happening?”

“His father kidnapped our dog to get me to come to him, to use me and Dexter against Gabe. I need to make a fast decision now. So here are the options I think I have before me—”


Reid and I end up at Walker Security looking for outside resources that protect our families, and the company’s reputation. We’re trying to deal with our father objectively and smartly. But deal we must, of this we both agree. We sit in a conference room side by side, across from Blake and his man, Savage, talking through options to leash our father once and for all.

“Sometimes,” I say, “I feel like we’re caught in a superhero movie, the same villain to fight over and over. I used to be Batman and now, I’m Superman thanks to my own Lois Lane. I can’t kill the bastard.”

“Amen to that,” Blake and Reid both say.

“Been there,” Blake says.

“Living that,” Reid adds.

“I’m not,” Savage interjects. “I’m fucking Batman on steroids. You want him dead?”

I’d laugh, but this is Savage, a former Green Beret, with a long scar down his cheek, and a crazy fucking attitude. He could well be serious. “It would be easier.”

“The world would be a better place,” Reid agrees, and we both share a look. We’re not serious about killing him, but we both believe he’s pure evil.

“Let’s talk about Superman options,” Blake says, the reason in the room.

“Jail time or shipping him off to another country,” I suggest.

“Another country is a better option,” Reid replies, “at least from our company perspective, but how do we do that and ensure he’s gone? Really gone? He can’t cause trouble.”

“The only thing he understands is threats,” I say.

“And our threats have proven less than effective,” Reid reminds me. “He keeps fucking showing up, like acid in a rainstorm.”

“Then you haven’t used the right ammunition,” Blake replies.

“And he feels no fear,” Savage adds. “Fear motivates men, even those who like to seem as if they feel no fear.”

“How do you motivate fear in those who have a high ceiling?” I ask. “That’s the real question.”

“Money,” Reid says. “He doesn’t want to be without it.”

“That’s not enough,” I say, throwing out another idea. “Prison. Real fear of prison.”

“We tried that once,” Reid counters. “We have the ammunition to put him in jail. I have proof of many of his crimes.”

“He linked you to his crimes to control us,” I remind him.

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