Page 12 of Wicked Submission

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And he didn’t even take off his pants.

I cut my gaze and will myself to stop thinking about this. Why is this bothering me so badly? Why? I don’t know, but I want my clothes. I try to stand up and Gabe catches my arm. “Thanks, Frank,” he says, ending his call and setting his phone on the table. “What’s wrong? What just happened?”

“I want to get dressed before the pizza gets here.”

His eyes sharpen on my face. “You regret being here.”

“No,” I say quickly. “I don’t. I just—” I stop again, not sure what to say. I don’t like lies and he’s now arching a brow.

“You didn’t even take your pants off,” I say. “That feels weird.”

“I didn’t take my pants off,” he repeats.

“Yes. It feels weird. I want to get dressed and then maybe it will stop feeling weird.”

“I have a better idea,” he says and he stands up and the next thing I know, he’s lowering his pants and stepping out of them. He tosses them on the couch beside him and then presents himself to me in a pair of black biker-style underwear that hug his thighs, and other important parts of his body, rather nicely. “How’s this?” he asks, holding his hands out to his sides. “No more pants.”

I start laughing. “I can’t believe you just did that.”

“Believe it, sweetheart. Of course, I might shock the pizza delivery person, but it’ll be worth it.”

“Worth it? Worth it how?”

“Because now you won’t feel weird when I do this.” He sits down next to me, pulls me to him and drags us down on the couch, leaving my blanket behind, my naked body pressed to his. His hand between my shoulder blades, molding my naked breasts to his chest. “Do you feel weird?”

“No,” I say, feeling warm and wonderful instead. “But what about the pizza?”

He shifts us, rolling us to our sides, his hands sliding under my hair to my neck. “We’ll just make out like school kids until it gets here. We’ll fuck later. After we eat and you tell me all your secrets.”

My secrets.

He doesn’t really want to know my secrets.

I don’t really want him to know my secrets.

I decide to kiss him before he doesn’t want to kiss me again. I press my lips to his, letting him know that I’m all in. Let’s make out like school kids.

Chapter nine


We do indeed make out like school kids for about five minutes and it’s delicious and wonderful. He’s delicious and wonderful. Laying on his couch, our legs entwined, I am lost in this man and I feel how lost he is in me, how lost we are in each other. I don’t remember a time in my life when I was in this kind of sultry, sexy haze with another human being. And he took his pants off.

I start laughing. “You really took your pants off.”

“What did you expect me to do?” he challenges. “You felt weird and for the record, I left my pants on because I needed the control. Otherwise, I would have ended up inside you, fucking you before you had that orgasm.” He strokes my hair. “Because you tried to undo me.”

“I’m pretty sure you’re the one who undid me,” I say, and with Gabe, I really don’t feel like this is giving him the power, but hey. If it empowers him to do anything he’s already done again, I won’t complain.

“And if you stay naked, I’m going to do it all over again,” he says as if he read my mind. “Let me grab you something to puton.” He kisses me and sits up, giving me a charming wink. “Don’t move. I like you naked and laying all picture-perfect across my couch.” He stands up and walks his picture-perfect backside around the couch.

I sit up and grab the blanket, charmed beyond belief by this man as I watch him disappear down a hallway behind the living area, which I assume leads to his bedroom. His bedroom. Will I end up there tonight? Do I want to end up there tonight? Of course, I do, but it’s a bad idea to stay if he even really wants me to stay. I’m a little too into this man and that scares me. I’ve been burned, so very burned, and so very recently.


At the sound of Gabe’s voice, I twist right and look up to see him leaning over a railing. “What happened to staying naked and sprawled out on my couch?”

I laugh. “That would be weird again.”

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