Page 86 of The Warlord's Lady

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While they never caught up to Lomar, the hard riding paid off. What should have been a journey of almost a week took just under four days. They came in sight of the garrison guarding the mountain before sunset, and she shivered as they approached.

“Should have worn your pants,” he murmured.

As if she’d remove the easy access. Despite the gravity of their mission, he’d been pleasuring her daily. Teasing her until she writhed and whimpered in his lap.

He’d actually dragged her from the saddle at one point, kissing her hard, pressing against her, only to pause and groan, “I hear the wolves again.” The blasted beasts had been shadowing them but not attacking.

“I’m not cold.” She eyed the garrison. “There’s something wrong with this place.”

“Wrong how?”

She frowned. “Hard to explain. I can say the threads around here are dull and lifeless. It will make it harder for me to cast a spell.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t go inside,” he suggested.

“I said harder, not impossible. Besides, I think you were right. I might not be a mighty hunter like you, but even I know fresh horse shit.” She pointed to the pile.

“Someone is here, but we can’t assume it’s Lomar, and even if it is, he might not be alone. We need to tread with caution.”

“Is this where we suddenly realize we should have come with an army?”

“This is something I have to do,” he replied grimly. “Ready to go inside?”

A part of her wanted to scream “no, let’s run far away from here,” but she’d never been a coward. She’d been taught to fight. To stand tall against adversity.

Had they made a mistake in coming alone?

Possibly. However, would an army make a difference? Maybe against a pack of wolves or even the ogres, but if this were a fight with magic, then soldiers would have gotten in the way.

While she’d showcased some of her spells, they were the kind easily directed to avoid casualties among allies. However, she knew others, the kind that could decimate everything in its path. She just hoped Kormac wasn’t standing in the way if she had to unleash it to save her own life.


Kormac had never wanted to run away from a fight before and yet the urge simmered within. A sense of impending doom had him wanting to grab Fionna, toss her on his horse, and ride hard.

Protecting her was only part of the reason. He dreaded what he’d have to do next.

Lomar’s crimes could no longer be ignored. Even if they could clear him of the malevolence infesting him, no one would ever be able to forget what he’d done.

Lomar most of all.

Knowing him as he did, Kormac knew the man would hate himself. If suicide weren’t considered so dishonorable, Lomar might have resorted to it, only he couldn’t. The thing that awaited inside the garrison had subdued his friend. It controlled the body, and it was up to Kormac to make sure those possessed hands didn’t cause more death—even if it killed something inside him.

Fionna appeared undaunted as she rifled through the saddle bags, strapping on an extra dagger around her ankle—a very sexy ankle. The ride on horseback had caused her braid to loosen and wisps curled around her face. He watched as she combedand re-twisted the strands. Sensing his regard, she turned and smiled at him, and understanding punched him hard.

Hit hard because when she smiled his heart felt light and happy.

When she talked, he liked to listen.

When she walked, he found himself staring.

When she laughed, he wanted to laugh with her.

When she came on his fingers, he wanted nothing more than to call her his.

He’d never been more focused on a woman. Bringing her to orgasm proved to be the greatest thing ever. Her small cries. The honey she emitted for him. He just wished he could have stopped long enough to claim her. To show her how she made him feel.

Alas, urgency kept them constantly moving, and when they stopped it was briefly and for necessities only. His stallion had been bred for endurance but even he was shocked they’d made it in such short time.

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