Page 81 of The Warlord's Lady

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“A ward similar to the one we’ll be using. Not as powerful, I’m afraid. Its magic will wane quickly since I won’t be there to replenish it, but I am hoping it will be enough to get them home.”

“Shall we get going as well?” he asked.

She nodded but also chewed her bottom lip.

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t usually fly at night.”

A simple solution existed. He had her ride in front of him on his stallion. A torture unlike any other. When she would have talked, he grunted, “Get some sleep.”

“If you insist.” She fell asleep in his lap, her head cradled to his shoulder. For some reason, it filled him with satisfaction to know she trusted him during her most vulnerable moment.

“I won’t let anything harm you,” he promised.

Not a vow he’d ever made to anyone before.

Then again, there’d never been anyone like her.


Fionna woke, cradled and warm. An unusual sensation that took a moment to process. When she did, her body stiffened and Kormac drawled, “Did you know you snore?”

“I do not,” she huffed, sitting upright in the saddle.

“I beg to differ.” He offered a dry reply.

“Where are we?” she asked, glancing around. The horses trotted along a dirt-beaten track flanked by knee-high swaying grass.

“Still too far from our destination.”

“Which is?” She’d never asked when she’d joined his party.

“Risead Pass.” He went silent before adding, “Call it a hunch, but I have a feeling Lomar’s been called there to help the thing escape.”

“That would make sense. In the snippets the possessor revealed, it was clear it couldn’t yet exit its prison, that it required an extra catalyst. I wonder what that is, though.”

“Given the murderous rampages? I’ll take a guess and say death.”

“Death isn’t power, though, but the end.” She frowned. “Unless there’s a different kind of magic involved.”

“Magic of the soul?” he commented, which led to her mulling the idea for so long he murmured, “Are you sleeping again?”

“No, thinking. This thing that took your friend isn’t something we’ve ever dealt with. Given how long it’s been imprisoned, we can’t be sure what it can do. The journal might have had clues, but the theft ruined the chance to find out.”

“I think Loff was behind its removal.”

“What?” She half turned in the saddle which put her face very close to his. “Why do you say that?”

“Because he was spotted inside the citadel the day it went missing and yet he had no business being there.”

“That’s why you brought him along. To keep an eye on him.”

“Aye.” He nodded. “I searched his belongings but didn’t find the books. They could be back at the citadel, though.”

“More likely he destroyed them.” Her lips turned down. “A shame. We could have learned quite a bit.”

“It’s my fault. Knowing how the people might feel about you, I should have had a guard watching your room.”

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