Page 76 of The Warlord's Lady

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“Your father was right. Lomar isn’t the only danger and I know you think he can’t be saved but....” She pointed to her satchel. “I did bring the things I need to try.”

“Cure him for execution? Seems cruel.” He turned from her. “I need to check on our mounts. Oh, and I hope you brought a bedroll since we don’t have spares, unless you plan to share.”

“Why Warlord, are you offering to snuggle?” She couldn’t have said what possessed her to say it.

But his face…

It went through a strange series of expressions before he growled, “Don’t play games with me.”

What was that supposed to mean?

He stalked off and she stood there, trying to not fidget under the curious gazes of his men. By now, they all knew what she’d done, what she was.

Apparently, they approved since the oldest of them approached and muttered, “Good job with those dragons. Thought we were all gonna end up icicles.”

“We’ve had to learn how to fight them in Acca as they’ve been plaguing us for the last year. Although, I have to admit the frost breath was new. Ours usually spit fire or acid.”

“Acid?” squeaked the youngest of the crew.

It proved to be a conversation starter that led to her being seated by the fire as the men asked her questions about the monsters she’d seen, and how to best fight them. Kormac joined them, sitting across from her, listening but not contributing much.

Rory, the young fellow, was the one who mustered the nerve to ask, “How did you become a witch?”

“We’re born with the ability to use magic.” She didn’t get complicated and explain elemental threads that could be woven by those who could see and touch them.

“But how do you know?” he insisted.

“Most discover it by accident. An object is about to fall and they reach for it despite knowing it’s out of reach, only to have it slam into their hand. Most use it unconsciously, and some never even realize they have it. Mystic Keep does its best to find those with enough of the gift to train.”

“Train for what?” Hogan, the older fellow, asked.

“That depends on where their skill is strongest. Many become healers and travel around, helping those in need. We have blessers, the ones who put spells on objects or even rooms such as protection for a pantry from mice. Or a rune in the garden to keep away snails and other pests.”

“What you did wasn’t any of that,” Loff stated, the fellow who’d been least talkative thus far.

“Because I am a combat witch.” She didn’t shy from the truth. “It’s what I’m good at, although, it took a while for them to figure that out as apparently, I’m rather rare. Don’t get me wrong, we all train with weapons and learn defense spells like shielding, but most can’t form missiles let alone launch them.”

“What need would Acca have for a combat witch?” Rory didn’t seem disturbed by it, unlike Loff who had a disapproving scowl.

“For one, protecting our lands. There are some who think a land ruled by women is weak. Then there are the local threats like dragons, and the swamp rats.”

“Your queen sent a combat witch to Srayth,” Loff spat. “Was it to kill the warlord?”

A cool note hued Fionna’s reply. “I am not an assassin, but I will use my magic to protect myself and others. The queen sent me because I am best suited to handle dangerous situations.”

“So you knew about the dragons?” Loff wouldn’t let up and Kormac glared, not that the man noticed.

“I knew nothing about the threats in Srayth other than the one posed by citizens who still believe witches steal babies from cribs and curdle milk. The queen figured I’d be able to escape should you have decided to try to burn me at the stake.”

Hogan laughed. “I’d like to see anyone try. You’re a tough, lady. I know I don’t have the balls to stand my ass on that tower, facing down a dragon.”

Her lips curved. “I’m not afraid of heights.”

“What are you scared of?” Kormac finally had a question.

She glanced at him. “The right answer would be monsters or death, but honestly, I fear failing. There is nothing worse than that feeling of helplessness where you want to help but don’t know how. Or can’t.”

“Has that happened before?” Kormac probed.

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