Page 68 of The Warlord's Lady

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The dragon couldn’t avoid its sharp, magical tip. The spear went through its belly and began to glow. Still connected to the spell, she unraveled it. Not gently as she’d been taught to avoid backlash, but rapidly, hoping it would?—

Boom.The explosion almost sent her sliding off the roof, and she scrabbled to keep hold, tearing her fingertips as she sought purchase. Chunks of dragon landed on her. Gross, but good.

She’d killed it. She rose to her feet carefully, trying to avoid the gore slicking the surface of the tiles on the roof. Where was the third?

Instinct more than anything turned her in time to see the missing dragon breathe.

A good thing she’d learned to conjure a shield with barely a thought. It sprang into place as the frosted expulsion hit.

The shield protected. She didn’t freeze, but the tile underfoot did. It turned into slick ice which might have been fine but for the dragon that aimed for her. The shield held against the swipe of its taloned foot, however, she lost her balance. Despite her windmilling arms, she hit the roof on her butt and slid.

She once more clawed for purchase, however, the slick ice refused to let her grip. She couldn’t stop her fall. She slid right off the edge and plummeted.

Quickly, she began weaving, tugging at the air only to gasp, her spell shattering as someone caught her!

Big arms dragged her through the window and an angry warlord yelled, “What were you thinking?”


Kormac couldn’t believe it when he saw the first dragon soaring above his city. Shock turned to dismay as it breathed—literally opened its mouth and breathed—and turned his soldiers into ice statues.

How was he supposed to fight an enemy so high above his head? An enemy that could kill from afar?

He tried, throwing his spear with all his strength, but the dragon easily avoided it. It might have been utter frozen carnage if it hadn’t been distracted by something.



The sight of a woman standing at the top of his tower had him gaping.

He wasn’t the only one.

“What’s the envoy doing?” a soldier exclaimed.

Magic, apparently. No hiding or denying it. Her hands moved and a fireball formed. With it, she took down a dragon.

“She killed it!” someone yelled, which led to cheering.

He might have celebrated with his men only it seemed that beast was only the first. Three more came wheeling in andKormac didn’t know what to do other than advise the people in the open to hide.

While he remained powerless, Fionna acted. The woman stood there, a tiny figure at the highest point of his citadel, waving her hands around, dauntlessly taking on dragons.

“The envoy’s a witch,” someone yelled, finally realizing what should have been obvious.

“Maybe the dragon will eat her,” suggested another.

To which Kormac turned and snarled, “You better hope not because she’s the only one capable of taking those monsters down.”

And the dragons knew it. After she took down the second, the remaining pair went after her, two against one. Kormac ran even as he didn’t know how he could help. That didn’t stop him from bolting for the citadel. Leaving his soldiers behind, he raced up the steps two at a time, ignoring the burn in his legs and lungs.

It took forever when counted in battle seconds, and by the time he reached his room, she’d vanquished another beast, or so he assumed by the hunks of flesh raining down outside his window.

He strode to it and glanced out, wondering how she’d managed to climb because the lip of the roof would have been too high for her to grab. Yelling from below drew his attention and he noticed his army craned to look upward, their attention fixated on what happened above his tower.

Instinct had him thrusting his arms out in time to catch a plummeting witch.

Kormac’s heart pounded as he dragged Fionna into his bedroom and yelled at her for being foolish.

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