Page 66 of The Warlord's Lady

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“How is that possible?”

“Because I didn’t lift my skirts or part my legs.”

“But you’re beautiful,” he blustered.


“And you should have had men falling over themselves trying to seduce you.”

“They’ve tried. I wasn’t interested.” She didn’t mention none ever made her pulse race or hands sweat.

But he guessed and said, “Because they weren’t the right men.” He stepped closer and her heart started its rapid pounding and her nether regions tingled.

“Is it so hard to believe I just don’t want it?”

“Are you sure of that?” he murmured, standing in front of her, forcing her to tilt her head to see his expression.


“I say we test that theory.”

Before she could ask what he meant, he showed her. His hands gripped her around the waist and lifted her that he might press his lips to hers. A rub of mouths that she’d always thought dumb.

That was before Kormac kissed her.

Sensations bombarded her body: tingling, heat, a fluttery sensation, and a throb between her legs.

His mouth slanted over hers, exploring and caressing her lips, but shocking was when he touched her tongue with his!

She moaned. Not in discomfort, but pleasure. How did something so strange feel so good?

Voices in the hall had him suddenly setting a wobbly Fionna back on her feet.

She stared at him, her lips puffy, her eyelids heavy, her body aching and hot.

“Still going to say you’re not interested?”

Rather than lie, a flushed Fionna grabbed her bag and fled the warlord who didn’t stop her.

Good, because she didn’t know what to say, think, do.

As she hit the main level, a bell started clanging. The sound led to people scurrying, women dashing inside, guards running out. Kormac went to rush past, but she snared his sleeve.

“What’s happening?”

“Whoever is on watch thinks we are under attack.”

“By whom?” she huffed, only to hear a distinctive bugling. Her eyes widened. “Dragon.”

“What? No, it can’t be. The only one we’ve seen is several days’ ride from here,” he exclaimed, striding for the main entrance.

“They can fly, you know,” she riposted.

He whirled. “I’m aware. Now excuse me while I go save my city from it.”

Kormac exited the castle with the other soldiers trotting behind, and she shook her head, muttering, “He’s going the wrong way.”

With an aerial predator, being on the ground was only beneficial to those with heavy spears and a strong arm to fire them. For a witch, the higher the better.

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