Page 55 of The Warlord's Lady

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“I’m sure I’ll be fine shopping or are you telling me your city has a problem with thieves and whatnot?”

“There are no issues of that sort, but you are an outsider.”


“They will not bargain in good faith.”

“I know how to avoid being fleeced.”

“There are some who might act untoward if they realize you’re from Acca.”

“I’ve been spat on and insulted before,” she stated with a shrug.

An admission that made him bristle. “Not in my city you won’t. We’ll go after the morning meal.”

“We? You do realize how it will look if you come with me?”

“Like we are lovers,” he stated with an arched brow. “That’s already the assumption.”

“It’s like you don’t care.”

“I don’t. Do you?”

“Depends. How worried do I have to be about Srayth’s maidens trying to poison or run me over in the streets?”

He laughed. “Our women aren’t violent.”

“Has someone told your mother? Pretty sure she’s pummeled a few people in her life.”

“With words or a look, never her hands.”

“If you say so…”

As they reached the main level, he asked, “Are you adjourning for the evening?” He found himself not ready to lose her presence. Blame his excitement over a possible cure for Lomar.

“I was going to do some more reading.”

“Would you mind reading Airiok’s journal aloud?” The request slipped out of him without thought.

“Why, Warlord, are you asking to join me in my bedchamber?”

His lips curved. “Or we could bring it to mine. My chairs are more comfortable, and I most likely have a snack laid out.”

“Oh, food.” She licked her lips, such an innocent gesture but he almost dragged her close to taste. “Let me grab the book. Then we’ll go to your room and really get the rumor mill spinning.”

Only that never happened, because when Fionna entered her chamber, she frowned.

“What’s wrong?”

“I thought I left the book on the bed.” She pointed.

“Perhaps someone came in and tidied.”

He helped her search high and low only to concede the tome was gone. Even worse, when he left her—reluctantly—and returned to his chamber, it was to find Khaal’s journal also missing.

The citadel had a thief.


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