Page 52 of The Warlord's Lady

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“My guards know better than to talk. If I hear even a whisper of you visiting the dungeon, I’ll send every single one that’s been on duty to wash latrines for the next year.”

“Would your citizens really be that upset to find out I am a witch here to help Lomar?”

“Some would be, but I’m more concerned about them finding out about his affliction and the concerns surrounding it. If they believe it’s infectious, that’s when the true problems will begin.”

“Handsome and wise,” she stated before she could stop herself.

“You think I’m handsome?”

“As if you don’t know,” she scoffed, hoping he didn’t see her hot cheeks.

“Not as handsome as Lomar.”

“That would be a matter of taste. He’s a little too pretty.”

He laughed. “Don’t tell him that. He prides himself on being the more attractive of us.”

“Speaking of whom, now that night’s fallen, it’s time for another visit.”

“Are you sure you want to do that?”

“I told you I needed to study the curse he’s under. That includes when it’s most active.”

“Very well, but keep in mind, at this hour he’ll have been put in the chains. Even the medallion isn’t enough to keep the madness completely at bay once the sun goes down.”

“You do realize the medallion will have to come off if I’m to properly assess.”

Kormac grunted. “Aye. I know. Forgive me if I’m not eager. I hate seeing Lomar being used.”

They’d begun their descent, the stairs shallow and easy to navigate until a rat raced by followed by a cat. Fionna swayed but before she could regain her balance, she found herself pressed against a firm body.

She looked up and her lips parted. “Thank you.”

It should have been the right reply, and yet for some reason Kormac thrust her from him as if she were diseased and grumbled, “Let’s get this over with.”

And they said women were moody.


Kormac kept his distance from Fionna as they headed for Lomar’s cell. When he’d grabbed her to keep her from falling, he’d not expected the intense surge of lust as he held her against him.

A lust he couldn’t act upon.

For one, he needed her aid still and he knew better than to mix business with pleasure. Second, she was a witch. A man would be foolish to tangle with one lest she hex his manhood—and yes, now that he believed in magic he believed the rumors that claimed witches could do just that. And lastly, seducing her might be dangerous because he already felt things for her, an interest he’d never experienced with any woman. Not even a full day she’d been here, and he already couldn’t imagine the world without her.

Not good. He really should have a companion sent to his room. Maybe after they dealt with Lomar.

As they neared the cell, he noticed the guards appeared shaken, their expressions pale.

“Has something happened?” Kormac asked.

“He’s worse than usual,” Namno stated. “He went into the chains easily enough, but the moment the sun went down, he started ranting.”

“About?” Kormac prodded.

Namno glanced at Fionna and hesitated.

She cocked her head. “You can repeat it. I promise I won’t faint or overreact.”

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