Page 37 of The Warlord's Lady

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“Now there’s a name not often heard these days,” Gurlok said. “He was the first warlord to rule the combined territories. Our many times great ancestor. I’m surprised you know his name.”

“You said he presided over the combined territories. Your country used to be divided?” Fionna pressed, interested in what Kormac had said about his history being fractured due to the clashes between the clans.

“Yes, into five areas.”

“Let me guess, given this Airiok is known as the destroyer, he went to war to unite them.”

“Not exactly. A great threat centuries ago had the five warlords joining forces. By the time they prevailed, most of the original rulers were dead. Given Airiok’s courage and strength during the endeavor, and given the decimated population, it was decided to have only one warlord going forward.”

“I find it hard to believe everyone agreed.”

“Not many argued with Airiok the Destroyer. A reputation can be a powerful thing.”

A wise statement. “I’m surprised you relinquished your position. Most rulers tend to hang on until death.”

“There comes a time when a man, or woman for that matter,” he added with a sly grin, “has to decide what’s more important. For me, I’d served my country as well as I could but as I aged, realized it would be better served by someone younger, with fresh ideas and the strength to rule.”

“Fresh ideas?” Fionna snorted. “Srayth appears stuck in the past given how it treats women.”

“You’ve heard complaints?”

She frowned. “No, but I’ve only been here a day.”

“Perhaps before passing judgement you should actually speak to those you claim to be arguing for.”

A valid point. She slewed a gaze at him. “You’re wiser than you look.”

A comment that made him laugh. “And you are forthright with your opinions.”

She shrugged. “Where I come from, we are expected to be honest, and as the witch queen’s adjutant, I have to be even more honest than most.”

“So not just a diplomat,” Gurlok lightly stated.

“I am a witch, if that’s what you’re wondering. The whole subterfuge about my identity was your son’s idea.”

“Because of the ill perception the populace has of magic users,” he murmured.

“Why do they hate them?” she asked.

“Ah, that’s an interesting question. I don’t know where the hatred originated, only that it’s been around since before I was born. Also, keep in mind, those who usually claim to have magic have thus far proven to be false. Their magic nothing more than tricks to fleece people.”

“A true witch doesn’t ask recompense for her aid,” Fionna pertly stated.

“That must make for empty coffers.”

“There are more than enough people willing to engage our services to alleviate that strain, and most are generous when we can solve an issue whether it be food or service.”

“I assume you are here because of Lomar.”


“Can you help him?”

The man asked earnestly, and much as she enjoyed his company thus far, she didn’t give false hope. “I don’t know. When I arrived, I expected him to be afflicted with a malady of the mind or poisoned by something he’d ingested or come in contact with.”

“But?” Gurlok prodded.

“It’s more complex than that. It is magic,” Fionna hastened to add. “But of a kind I don’t recognize. It will require some study before I dare to unravel it and even then there are no guarantees.”

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