Page 74 of Salvation

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Derek stared at the keys, then back at me, confusion etched across his face. “Kat, what are you talking about? This bar is your life. Your mother’s legacy.”

I smiled sadly, remembering all the times I’d thought the same thing. “It was my life, Derek. But now... not anymore. It deserves someone who can give it their all, and right now, that’s not me.”

“Maybe not now, but in a month or two when you get everything sorted out?”

I pressed the keys into his hand, curling his fingers around them. “You’ve been here since the beginning. You know this place inside and out, hell, you worked for my mother! There’s no one I trust more to take care of it.”

Derek looked down at the keys in his hand, then back up at me, his eyes shining with unshed tears. “Kat, I... I don’t know what to say.”

I pulled him into a tight hug, inhaling the familiar scent of his aftershave that always clungto him. “Just say you’ll take care of it,” I whispered. “And that you’ll forgive me for leaving like this.”

He hugged me back fiercely, his voice gruff with emotion when he spoke. “Of course I forgive you.”

I pulled away from him, wiping at my eyes. “Thank you,” I said softly. “For everything.”

Derek nodded, still looking shell-shocked. “What are you going to do now?”

I took a deep breath, squaring my shoulders. “I’m going to book the first flight I can to Toronto. I need to find out what happened and make sure everyone’s okay.”

“And if they’re not?” he asked gently.

I met his gaze, feeling more determined than ever. “Then I’ll do whatever it takes to help them... no matter what.”

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Just... be careful, okay? I don’t know what you got mixed up in over there, but it sounds dangerous.”

I managed a small smile. “I will be. And Derek? If anyone comes looking for me...”

“I’ll tell them I haven’t seen you in weeks,” he finished. “Don’t worry, I’ve got your back.”

With one last hug, I grabbed my bag from behind the bar and headed for the door. As I reachedfor the handle, I paused, looking back at the place that had been my home for so long. The worn wooden floors, the neon beer signs, the old jukebox in the corner - it all felt like a different life now.

“Goodbye,” I whispered, to the bar.

Then I stepped out into the cool night air, letting the door swing shut behind me. As I walked to my car, I pulled out my phone and booked the first available flight to Toronto. In less than 12 hours, I’d be back in the city where everything had changed.

Back to Rory, if he was still alive. Back to a world of danger and secrets that I thought I’d escaped.

But this time, I was going to choose this life with my eyes wide open. And whatever happened next, I knew I was done running.

As the plane took off, carrying me back to Toronto and whatever awaited me there, I closed my eyes and sent up a silent prayer.

“Please let them be okay,” I whispered. “Please let me not be too late.”


Back at the Bar

The two bikers sauntered in and exchanged knowing looks with Derek. The older one’s weathered face broke into a wide grin, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

“Well, would you look at that,” he chuckled, slapping his knee. “Our little plan worked like a charm!”

Derek couldn’t help but laugh along, the tension of the past hour melting away. “I can’t believe she fell for it! Did you see the look on her face when you mentioned the explosion?”

“Yeah, you should have been standing here instead of watching the live feed on your phone!” The younger biker cackled, barely containing his excitement. “Man, we are gonna be owed big time for this one. Did you call it in yet?”

The older biker pulled out his phone, his fingers flying over the keys. “Just sent a text to our contact that the cat is on her way back to her tomcat.”

The three men burst into laughter, clinking their beer bottles together in celebration. The bar, which had seemed so somber just moments ago, was now filled with a jovial atmosphere.

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