Page 62 of Salvation

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I studied his expression, and it was tight with worry. “Declan, I’m not comfortable walking in on this blindly. Who are you getting the weapons for?”

Kat snatched a paper off his desk and started reading off the shipment details.

Declan’s jaw clenched, his eyes flashing with irritation. “I told you, that’s not your concern.” He snatched the paper from her hands, “You two arethe only ones that I trust for this job. I need it done cleanly and quietly.”

Kat stepped forward, her voice low and dangerous. “And we need to know what we’re getting into. These aren’t just any guns, Declan. This is serious firepower. If it falls into the wrong hands...”

“It won’t,” Declan snapped. “Look, I understand your reservations, but I’m asking you to trust me on this. The less you know, the safer you’ll be.”

I exchanged a glance with Kat, seeing my own unease mirrored in her eyes. This whole thing reeked of trouble, but Declan had never steered me wrong before.

“Fine,” I said. “But I want it on record that we’re doing this under protest. Where’s the pickup?”

Declan’s shoulders relaxed slightly. He pointed to a spot on the map. “Old warehouse district, just outside the city limits. You’ll rendezvous with the sellers at midnight. Get in, get the goods, get out. No complications.”

Kat snorted. “Right, because our jobs always go so smoothly.”

“What exactly would we need to do?” I asked cautiously.

Declan’s shoulders relaxed slightly. “The gunsare coming in on a cargo ship tonight. You’ll need to intercept the shipment before it reaches the port and divert it to our warehouse. I’ve got all the details here.” He tapped the map on his desk.

I exchanged a long look with Kat. Her eyes showed concern, mirroring my own doubts. But there was also a spark of determination there.

Finally, she said, “Alright. We’re in. But Declan, if this goes south...”

“It won’t,” he assured us. “I’ve planned for every fucked-up scenario. Just stick to the plan, and you’ll be fine. Oh, and one thing. Take Kat’s 4x4, it’s less suspicious.”

As we bent over the map to study the route, I couldn’t shake the feeling that we were crossing a line. One that we might not be able to come back from.


The night air was crisp as we approached the docks, the distant hum of the city fading behind us. We had parked her vehicle and walked a half mile to the old warehouse. Kat moved like a shadow beside me, her footsteps silent on the concrete. I could feel the weight of the gun at my hip, a constant reminder of what we were about to do.

“There,” she whispered, pointing to a nondescript cargo container being unloaded from the ship.

We watched from the shadows as a small group of men began to transfer the crates onto a waiting truck. Everything seemed to be going according to Declan’s information.

“Ready?” I murmured.

She nodded, her face showing nothing but determination. We moved quickly, emerging from our hiding spot with weapons drawn.

“You can stop right there,” I shouted. “We will be taking those!”

The men froze, clearly caught off guard. For a moment, I thought it might actually go smoothly. Then I saw one of them reach for something in his jacket.

“Gun!” Kat yelled, a split second before the night erupted in gunfire.

We dove for cover behind some crates, bullets whizzing past our heads. So much for no complications, I thought grimly as I returned fire.

The firefight was intense but brief. When the smoke cleared, we were left standing amidst a scene of chaos. Two of the men were down, the others had fled.

“We need to move,” Kat said urgently. “Someone will have heard that.”

I scrambled into the truck’s cab as Kat provided cover and got in the passenger seat. The engine roared to life, echoing the chaos around us as we sped away from the docks, leaving a trail of destruction in our wake.

“Can you handle this thing?” I asked, my eyes darting between her and the road.

“It’s a U-Haul, how hard can it be?” Kat smirked, her confidence a stark contrast to the mayhem we had found ourselves in once again.

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