Page 20 of Salvation

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I smirked, enjoying the challenge of balancing between staying inconspicuous and pushing the boundaries with him. “Relax, Rory. I’ve got this under control,” I replied confidently, though doubt crept into my mind. Could I really do this without slipping up?

As I continued to be on the lookout, I noticed a group of men unloading crates from a boat near the warehouse dock. They moved with speed and determination, like this was an everyday job for them, but something about them raised a red flag in my mind.

Rory nudged me subtly, drawing my attention to a figure approaching. A tall handsome muscular man wearing a speedo was walking right up to us.

“Hey, what are you guys up to?” the man asked, eyeing me up and down. I could feel Rory tensing beside me, his hand slightly moving towards his waist where I didn’t doubt for a second that a gun was strapped to his hip.

I shot a friendly smile to the man as I replied, “Just enjoying a day at the beach. What about you?”

The man shrugged, his gaze lingering on melonger than necessary, and I resisted the urge to shudder in revulsion. “Just thought it was strange to see people fully dressed on a beach. Most folks come here to swim or sunbathe,” he commented casually, looking pointedly at Rory who was wearing black jeans and a black t-shirt.

Rory’s jaw tightened slightly, his hand now resting on the concealed weapon as he maintained his composure. “We’re here for a different kind of relaxation,” he replied smoothly.

The man in the speedo raised an eyebrow, a hint of suspicion flickering in his eyes. “Is that so? You two don’t exactly look like the typical beach crowd,” he remarked, crossing his arms over his chest. “As a matter of fact, I don’t think she’s with you.”

I leaned towards Rory and ran my hand down his chest, my confidence unwavering as I met his gaze head-on. “What makes you say that? We like to keep things interesting is all,” I quipped with a playful smile. Hoping to redirect the conversation, I looked up at speedo man and said, “Maybe later we can play a game of beach volleyball?”

The man chuckled, seemingly amused by my response. “Fair enough. Just thought I’d check in since you caught my eye,” he said before nodding then left, walking off towards the direction he came from.

As soon as he was out of earshot, Rory let out a low whistle. “That was too close for comfort,” he muttered under his breath, glancing at me with an odd look on his face.

I shrugged nonchalantly, though inwardly I couldn’t deny the rush of adrenaline that coursed through me at the encounter. Or maybe it was from the fact that I had ran my hand over his muscled chest like it was something I did every day. “Do you think he’s a lookout for them?” I asked as I looked back towards the workers on the dock.

“Possibly,” he shrugged.

A sudden commotion near the warehouse entrance caught my attention as a black SUV pulled up, its tinted windows hid any view of the people inside. The driver remained in the vehicle while two brawny men stepped out and approached the group of workers.

“Something is going on over there,” I said in a near whisper.

“I’m not going to look, just tell me what you see,” he said, looking out towards the water.

I kept my eyes trained on the scene, relating everything that I saw. The two burly men were engaged in a heated conversation with the workers, their body language tense and aggressive. I strained to hear their words over the distant chatter ofbeachgoers, but their voices were muffled by the sound of crashing waves.

One of the workers seemed to be arguing heatedly with the men, his gestures animated and defiant. Suddenly, a scuffle broke out as punches were thrown and chaos erupted. Crates were overturned, and more than one gun was produced as individuals joined the fray.

“They’re fighting over something, and two men have guns,” I said, as my heart began to race. The situation was rising quickly, and I could sense a storm brewing on the horizon.

He looked towards the warehouse just as the men moved inside. “We need to move in closer. C’mon, hurry up,” he said abruptly, his eyes never leaving the scene before us.

Chapter 10


Leaving everything behind, we cautiously made our way towards the dock, weaving through the unsuspecting crowd of beachgoers. As we drew nearer, the sound of scuffling and shouting grew louder, mingling with the crashing of waves against the shore.

As we made our way up a flight of stairs, I was getting a very nice view of her ass. It never dawned on me that she was still half naked until I glanced up and got an instant woody.

“Where the hell are your clothes?” I hissed.

“You told me to hurry up!”

“You put on your shoes, but you didn’t think to grab your clothes?”

Kat shrugged, her bare shoulders moving in a tantalizing manner. “I thought we were in a rush,” she whispered, the look in her eyes sent a shiverdown my spine.

Trying to tear my gaze away from her sexy as fuck figure, I refocused.

The old warehouse loomed ahead of us. I noticed a few windows were boarded up as we stopped along the wall. Listening, we stood there staring at each other for a minute to see if the fight had continued inside. Silence met us. We exchanged a nod then slipped through a side door that had been left slightly ajar.

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