Page 8 of The Wraith King

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“Does Aven want to be a miller like you when he grows up?”

His father chuckled. “No. He wants to be a mason.”

I patted the boy’s shoulder and smiled at his father. “We always need strong builders in Issos.”

“Aye,” he said, his voice cracking as he stared helplessly at his frail son.

No doubt he worried that Aven wouldn’t live to become a man.

“I can’t thank you enough, my lady.”

“I’ll send someone from the palace to check on him as I can’t leave very often.” I stood, offering him what compassion and reassurance I could. “Hopefully, we’ll have a cure soon.”

That old bitter reminder that I’d once been close to finding the cure stung me hard. I’d also nearly died for it.

“I hope so too, my lady. If there is anything I—”

The wooden door to the home burst open, wood splintering. I jumped back, startled. Then my blood ran cold. Bending their horned heads and emerging into the small room were three gray-skinned wraith fae with weapons. Min screamed.

Aven’s father grabbed a poker by the hearth and lunged for the first one. A giant of a beast, he grabbed the poker and jerked the miller closer, slicing a blade across his throat before dropping him to the ground.

“No!” I cried, grabbing Min’s hand and glancing toward the door for my guards, my heart beating in my throat.

We’d come with twenty Issosian guards, and I hadn’t heard one sound of a skirmish outside.

“Now then, princess.” The killer who’d just killed Aven’s father spoke in demon tongue, which I knew well. He wiped the bloodied flat of his blade on his hide trousers. “Your guards won’t be coming to the rescue.”

He was horrifying to behold. His four thick horns almost scraped the beams of the ceiling. His fangs protruded from his mouth. His bare arms, visible from wearing only a black vest, rippled with muscle as he flexed the clawed hand not holding the weapon.

While I’d thought the miller a large strong wood fae, he seemed a child next to this creature. Now, the poor man was dead on the floor. I glanced at Aven then back to the killer, dread speeding my pulse.

His sharp blade was curved and as long as my leg, nearly touching the floor at his other side while he examined me with a sinister grin.

I couldn’t even mourn Aven’s father as my mind raced to find a path to escape.

One of the other three who’d entered the home, still standing near the entrance, pointed a dagger dripping with blood at me. “How do you know it’s her for certain?”

The killer stepped toward me. Min clung to my side, whimpering.

“Look at her,” he said, his voice a menacing rumble. “No other moon fae female with a face like that and wings the color of night exists in all the kingdoms.”

Deep fear burrowed into my bones. He was definitely here for me.

“Then grab her,” said the one with the bloody dagger. “Need to move before we’ve got trouble.”

“No!” screamed Min.

The biggest one grabbed my arm and jerked me hard. I cried out as he pushed Min aside.

Min fluttered her wings and flew at him, going for his eyes with her nails.

“No, Min, don’t!” I screamed.

The killer turned and shoved his long blade straight through her stomach with frightening ease. My knees buckled and bile rose up my throat as he jerked his blade free, and my dearest friend crumpled to the floor. I didn’t make a sound as she stared up, mouth agape with shock, the light in her eyes fading.

“Min!” I reached for her, but the wraith fae still gripping my arm dragged me out into the night.

I stared back in horror at Min’s small body on the wood floor, a pool of crimson spreading wide on her blue tunic, her eyes glassy. Aven slept on while the healing orb beamed bright. I prayed to the goddess he wouldn’t wake up alone to find his dead father and poor Min.

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