Page 61 of The Wraith King

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“Do you think I would risk your life after saving it years ago?”

“I have no idea.” I turned away from him and went to the window where the strong breeze blew cold across my face. I gripped the stone sill, relishing the cold on my fingers. “I don’t even know who you are,” I whispered more to myself. “All I know is what is expected of me. That in order to fulfill the treaty I’ve agreed to and keep peace in Lumeria, I must bathe in a cursed lake below this castle that might make me go insane or kill me. Andifthe gods let me survive,” I blew out a disgusted breath, “I have to parade naked in front of your entire court and willingly...”

I couldn’t say the last aloud. It was difficult to imagine and even more so to say what I would be forced to do. I couldn’t even fathom where I’d find the strength to go through with this, if I even lived through the first part of the rite.

I sensed him approach me slowly. When he gripped my shoulders, I flinched. He dropped his hold but kept his body close, a warm, impenetrable wall at my back.

When he spoke, it was that deep, gentle rumble. “I understand that you are frightened. And that you don’t understand the importance of the rite.”

I wanted to whirl around and yell some more or even better, beat him, but apparently my spirit was deflated. I was exhausted.

“But hear me, Una.”

There was a plea in his voice, a desperate tenor I’d never before heard him use.

“I know that this is the path the gods have set before you.” He paused then added, “And me.”

“Your gods or mine?” I asked, still facing the window, inhaling deeply of the cool air as the sky deepened to purple.

“Both,” he answered quickly. And with certainty. “You will bathe in Näkt Lykenzel, and you will not go mad. Nor will you die.” His voice was both commanding and gentle. “You willcomplete the Rite of Servium and become my mizrah as the gods decreed.”

Finally, I turned, frowning. “The gods decreed that I would be coerced to leave my home and becomeyourconcubine? The gods must hate me.”

I was aware of the repulsive lilt in my voice, but could he honestly believe I’d rejoice in such a declaration?

A deep furrow creased his brow. “It is their will.”

“How do you know?”

“Dalya has foreseen it.”

“That it would be me? The gods gave my name?”

His dragon eyes glowed a piercing blue. “The gods never tell us names. You know that. But I am sure of it. You’ll have to trust me.”

I arched a brow, my mouth quirking into a cynical smile, “Trustyou?”

His cold gaze finally broke with some vulnerability. I’d actually managed to hurt him, it seemed. It didn’t have quite the satisfying effect on me as I’d thought it would.

Just as quickly, the softness vanished behind the austere mask I was accustomed to. The dragon was back, looking down at me with an unreadable expression.

Then he asked, “Are you telling me that you’ve decided not to go through with it? You’ve decided to break the treaty?”

I scoffed. “You bastard. You know I won’t.” Narrowing my gaze, I lifted my chin. “I will go through with your Rite of Servium. I do not break my vows.”

My mind flitted to the moon-binding in Valla Lokkyr. I’d already promised myself to this wraith king. And though he dismissed that ceremony as inconsequential, I’d as good as given my heart and soul to him, body too, the night we left Issos.

“Very well,” he said coolly. “Then get some rest, Mizrah. You’ll need it.”

He turned and left quietly, but the silence screamed with tension after he left. Tomorrow, I’d either die in the bowels of this palace in a black lake. Or I’d survive and become the king’s official concubine, his vessel to use and toss aside when he was done. At the moment, I wasn’t quite sure what was worse.

Chapter 20


I satupon the chaise facing the crackling fire, readying for the rite, for my possible death. Beneath the black velvet ceremonial cloak, I wore a sleeveless, black silk chemise—the meager garment I could be wearing when I took my last breath.

Since my visit with Dalya yesterday, I had not left my bedchamber. Hava had not insisted I meet the king for dinner, and he had not returned to my bedchamber even once.

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