Page 43 of The Wraith King

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Weaving among the tents, the sound of revelry and fucking could be heard from every one of them. Heaving a sigh, I made my way back to my own tent, eager yet not so eager. I’d be forced to lie next to the woman I’d been having too many fantasies about.

Word of Princess Una growing into the most beautiful woman had heightened my curiosity about the girl I carried out of the dungeons long ago. But nothing prepared me for the woman herself.

Vix’s blood.She was fucking otherworldly in her beauty, more lovely than Lumera herself. I was sure of it. And a thousand times more alluring.

Black wings. They’d regrown—I’d known that—but somehow, I’d never been told the color. And then to beholdthem, all the lovelier in contrast to her pearl-white skin. It took every ounce of willpower not to claim her back in Näkt Mir.

Patience, I thought as I rounded toward my tent, noting Meck and Ferryn still stalwart on guard.

I would not take her in haste, but only after all the Silvantian rites had been completed. My blood burned every time I looked at her.

Not long now.

“Meck. Ferryn.”

They saluted me, fists to chests, heads and horns bowed. “Sire,” they said in unison.

“All quiet here?”

“Yes, Sire,” said Meck. “All is well.”

“You two can join the others and celebrate.”

Ferryn frowned. “Won’t you need a guard through the night?”

“I can defend myself and my—” I glanced at the tent entrance and cleared my throat. “I can handle protecting the mizrah tonight. You deserve to enjoy the celebration.”

“Thank you, Sire,” said Meck with a dip of his head.

Ferryn did the same, and then they turned and walked toward the closest campfire.

I entered the tent, the coal still burning blue, warming the small space. But my gaze went directly to the shape of the woman beneath the furs and the sudden spike in her heart rate. Her breathing quickened, a soft huff in the quiet tent.

Removing my belt with the sword and scabbard, I set it on my side of the bed. “Couldn’t sleep, Mizrah?”

She remained still for a moment, perhaps wondering if she should pretend to be asleep.

“I know you’re awake. You might as well speak to me.”

She bolted upright, twisting her torso to face me, her clear violet eyes more vibrant by the light of the volcanic coal. “Why should I speak to you?”

“You’re angry,” I noted casually, unfastening my armor.

“Of course I am, you imbecile.”

Very angry. I forced myself not to smile.

“Tell me what’s on your mind, Una.” I hefted the giant piece of shoulder and chest plate armor over my head and dropped it to the floor. Then I went to work on the thigh plates that were fastened into my pants with leather lacing.

“You brought harlots from Issos to celebrate your victory,” she spat venomously.

“I could hardly bring them from anywhere else. We needed many to serve the soldiers who wanted to partake. Issos is the closest city to accommodate our needs.”

“How could you force prostitutes to…to do their work after you just conquered their city,” she accused rather than questioned.

It had not missed me that her fury had her chest rising and falling swiftly, pressing her full breasts against the thin fabric of her nightdress. I tried not to let my gaze linger too long, instead focusing on her ire as I continued undressing.

“I am aware that you’re a sheltered maiden and are perhapsunaware of a male’s needs, but the brothels could’ve refused our coin. They did not. They welcomed it and sent word to several bawdy houses along your lower Issosian district, who in turn showed up in our encampment by the carriage-load just in time for our celebration.” I began unlacing the top vee of my black linen shirt.

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