Page 34 of The Wraith King

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I squeezed my father’s hand. “I’ll be back, Papa. I promise.”

At least, I’d try. As soon as the wraith king let me, I would come back.

Papa blinked heavily. I sniffed and wiped the tear that slipped down my cheek. “Yes. I love you, too. So dearly.” I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

He closed his eyes and fell back into his slumber.

I left my father asleep and marched directly for my chamber with my two wraith fae guards in tow. When I reached my bedroom, I turned to them.

“I’m packing my clothes. Please allow me some privacy.”

They frowned at me for a moment then the one seemingly in charge nodded and they remained at the door.

I took very little time packing as many gowns and chemises as I could into my traveling trunk. I included my gold necklace of the moon’s crescent. Glancing at the open door to be sure they weren’t watching, I then pulled my bound journal from beneath the bed where I kept it.

I’d gathered prophecies from all three kinds of oracles—soul seers who could attach to one person and foretell their destinies, god seers who heard and spoke the will of the gods, and world seers who prophesied the fate of fae kind. But it was the visions that pertained to the plague that had kept me vigilant in my search. And I’d found them all. All three.

I grabbed a folded chemise on the bed and hurriedly wrapped it around the journal full of the prophecies I’d collected. Then I stuffed it at the bottom of the trunk.

Finished, I strolled back to the doorway, facing the senior guard.

“My trunk is ready. Please ensure it makes the journey safely as that is all of my homeland I’ll have for a long time.”

The wraith guard simply nodded. “It will be done, my lady.”

Now it was time for me to marry Gollaya Verbane.

The glass domeof the great hall above us cast a pool of moonlight onto the center of the white marble floor. I stood inside Lumera’s glow beneath the glass dome next to the priest.But my gaze was on my brother near the throne dais whispering vehemently to Gael, now uncuffed as he argued with Baelynn.

Everyone had been removed from the chamber except for Baelynn and Gael. Goll and his second strode toward us from the hall doorway, both wearing stern expressions. I don’t know what any of them had to argue or be cross about. I was the one on the sacrificial altar.

When they reached me, I asked, “Why is he staying?” I nodded toward the dais.

Because forcing Gael to watch me marry another man would be torture. While I held no love for Gael, I’d been committed to him and prepared to marry him for most of my adult life. And I was aware he had deep affection for me though it mattered little now. Still, I didn’t think it kind to force him to watch it.

“The priest said we must each have witnesses.” Goll’s voice had gone hard. The conquering warrior king now stood on the altar with me.

“My brother should be enough.”

“No,” he answered quickly. “His second will remain as witness too.” Goll’s steely gaze slid to Gael.

My heart beat faster, for Goll knew that was my former betrothed.

Then my brother was crossing the hall with Gael behind him toward the temple stone, which is what we called the sacred circle where I now stood. He took his place behind me. I met Gael’s gaze, flinching at the fury burning there.

Of course this was difficult for him, but not nearly as difficult as it was for me. He had no right to argue with my brother over what I’m positive were his losses as my betrothed. I would be losing much more.

Goll took his place facing me within the temple stone, Soryn stood behind him and scowled. He didn’t like me, that was certain.

The priest who’d been standing quietly outside the circle, stepped beside me and Goll. He began speaking of the importance of binding in heart, body, and soul, but before he’d gotten two sentences out, Goll raised a hand, stopping his speech.

“Let’s get to the meat of it, priest. My men below are getting restless, and I’d rather not keep them waiting too long before they decide to go against my orders and pillage anyway.”

My mouth dropped open. “They’d pillage the city when we’ve surrendered?”

Goll turned his intense gaze on me, those eyes always sending an electric shock through me. “Until I leave this palacewith you, the bargain isn’t set. Delays make soldiers restless and might give them the impression there’s trouble.” He arched a brow. “My men love trouble.”

Clenching my jaw, I said through gritted teeth, “Please hurry, Elder Lelwyn.”

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