Page 30 of The Wraith King

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“How do I hold on?” she asked, glancing over the edge nervously.

“You can hold onto me if you like.”

That earned me a fierce look.Mmm. I wanted more of that.

“Hold onto the pommel here.” I placed her hand on the pommel closest to her. There were two, one on either side of the saddle. “You’ll need trousers to fly astride, then you can hold onto both.” I buckled the harness around both our waists, tightening the strap. “But don’t worry, my mizrah,” I croonedinto her ear as I wrapped an arm tightly around her waist, one hand on her outer thigh. “I won’t let you go.”

She looked away, but she asked softly, “What does mizrah mean?”

I smiled, ignoring that conversation for now, and then shouted to Drakmir, “Hyvellin!”

Drak beat his wings and shoved off the terrace, shooting us up into the sky. Her weight fell into me on the upward slant. She gasped but didn’t scream, both her hands white-knuckling the pommel. Drak flew at an angle toward the night sky, Lumera’s round moon seeming closer as we ascended. We were far above Näkt Mir, but her eyes were still on the stars.

“Well done,” I praised, my mouth close to her ear as I tightened my hold on her upper thigh and ribcage. “No fear on your first flight. I’m impressed.”

“It’s so beautiful,” she breathed out, the roaring wind nearly stealing her words.

“Gasta met, Drak!”

He instantly turned and circled south. I showed him through our mental link where to go. By horseback, the ride would take days. But on dragonback, we’d be there before the moon had reached its peak in the night sky.

I remained quiet, catching glances of Una’s enthralled expression as she observed the world from above. Drak flew higher until we were above the clouds.

Una gasped. I couldn’t suppress a small smile at trying to see from her eyes. The gray clouds stretched out like a soft blanket, the moonglow silvering the sky like an ethereal dream.

For the moment, I soaked in this feeling of contentment, my mizrah in my arms, the kingdoms almost mine, the old promise given by my god Vix finally coming true. But as Drak descended, I steeled myself for what was about to come.

We lowered out of the clouds and closer to the ground, passing over the glittering Bluevale River. She tensed, knowing exactly where we were now.

“Sweet goddess,” she murmured as we passed over the fields beyond Issos, where thousands of wraith fae gathered outside the walls.

Then we crossed over the walls of the royal city, she saw there were thousands more in the streets below. Blue coal-fire torches filled the streets. Pale moonlight illuminated her vast city, the white bricks of the castle an architectural beauty.

I couldn’t see her expression, but I heard her heart beat faster with my heightened hearing and felt her breathing quicken beneath my arm.

Drak dove low as we drew closer. Her white hair shimmered in the moonlight like her pale skin. My stomach tightened with the need to touch its softness, to trail my fingers through its length, to wrap it around my fist.

My soldiers were chanting my name below Valla Lokkyr. The repeated, deep reverberation echoed up to us.

“Goll! Goll! Goll!”

The fact that my army had chosen my name for their mantra was a positive sign, indeed. All of my father’s army had fallen swiftly in line, seemingly eager to follow me, their new king. While I was yet uncrowned, they chanted my name as their leader of this victory.

But there was one step yet to take, and we were about to take it. The wraith fae and now the light fae of Lumeria must understand that I ruled with an iron fist. It was the only way to assure obedience and dissuade rebellion.

I tried not to tighten my hold on Una’s arm as she was far more delicate than in my dreams, but I needed this tangible proof that I truly had her. I stole a sidelong glance. She kept her chin high and her wings straight. Herblackwings.

Son of Vix.She was made for me. Refashioned after that fateful day with the mark that told the world where she belonged. At least, according to Dalya. And very few knew my soul seer Dalya’s vision. I’d been waiting for the sign, and there it was, sprouting from her back.

She would indeed give me the heir I deserved, that my people deserved. To right the old wrongs. And the kingdoms would be united undermyrule as was foretold.

I ordered Drak to land on the bridge leading to the eastern tower, the one closest to the great hall at the top of Valla Lokyr, where Soryn would be waiting.

He beat his wings as we lowered and landed with a thud. I eased off behind her first then lifted my arms up to help her down. My gut instantly clenched at the glassiness of her eyes. Now she understood. She had no choice.

Deklam, one of my lieutenants, approached with a dozen of his infantrymen behind him. They’d been looking for me. After pulling Una down and setting her beside me, I turned.

“Sire.” Deklam thumped his chest with his fist in obeisance and bowed his head. “We are stationed throughout Issos. Soryn and Prince Baelynn await you in the great hall.”

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