Page 25 of The Wraith King

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I knew these markings were burned into their skin by their god Vix upon rites of passage. I wondered what had pleased his god to put so many signs upon him.

His sleek black hair hung loosely well past his shoulders and down his back, no braids or ornamentation of any kind. His skin was darker than when I met him the first time, a deep, luminous shade like the shadows on the moon.

And his eyes.Goddess save me.Glacier-blue with a serpentine pupil ringed in gold. They’d fascinated me when I’d first seen them, when I looked on him as my savior. But now, he was the new tyrant of Northgall. My new master. I clenched my teeth as he marched closer.

He was breathtakingly and unaccountably beautiful.

He stopped in front of me, his gaze roaming my face, neck, body and wings—lingering especially on my wings—with undisguised interest. I remained perfectly still, refusing to squirm under his perusal.

“Leave us,” he snapped, his deep voice emotionless.

Goll’s attention never left me, his expression remained cold and hard, but his fiery gaze was not. Breathing became rather difficult. I couldn’t look away either, my chest rising and falling more quickly.

Hava and the chambermaids immediately hurried from the room, the door closing with a sharp click.

Then we were alone.

Breathing out a slow exhale, I tilted my face up to meet his gaze.

I was not afraid of him when he’d carried me out of that dungeon, but the male standing before me wasn’t him. This was the heir to Northgall who’d decapitated his father and burned his guard to ashes with a whispered word and potent magick. He was the new ruler of Northgall and appeared every inch the conquering Demon King.

“You have changed,” I said, breaking the palpable silence.

“So have you.” His silver-blue gaze strolled slowly down my body then back up, lingering yet again on my wings. The tiniest quirk of his mouth tipped up on one side. “Black.”


He stood a few feet away, his hands clasped behind him like a gentleman. It was disturbing, considering the last time I saw him he carried his father’s head in his hands. “I had heard that the Princess of Issos’s wings had grown back, but I didn’t know they were black. Until I saw you again.”

Plenty of courtiers had whispered about the dark marks behind my back, even though Baelynn did his best to shut them up. Still, it wasn’t a secret.

“You are the first light fae to have black wings, are you not?” He quirked a brow, his tone telling me he knew the truth already.

“According to the histories, yes.”

I’d know. I’d searched every book in our possession and then sent emissaries to seek out knowledge from the scholars of Mevia and Morodon.

Those blue dragon eyes continued to trail over my face with piercing scrutiny.

“Is that why you wanted a moment alone?” I asked haughtily. “To discuss the unique color of my wings?”

His gaze snapped to mine. No hint of a smile. “I want to present my terms of surrender directly to you since you are the one who will fulfill them.”

“Surrender?” I frowned. “Of Issos?”

“Of Issos,” he stated calmly. “And all of Lumeria.”

I huffed out a shocked breath. “Is this why I’m still prisoner here? To be your pawn in a trade to my brother for peace?”

“There will be no trade, Una.”

I frowned at him using my shortened name so intimately. I swallowed hard, his burning gaze tracking the movement down my throat before returning back to meet mine.

“What are you terms of surrender?” I asked, my voice low and trembling, betraying me. “To be your concubine?”

That was what his father intended though Xakiel had plans to kill my family as well.

He took a confident step closer, his hands still clasped behind his back. His scent enveloped me—snow and wind and the musk of a wild animal. His dragon.

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