Page 120 of The Wraith King

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That was exactly what I did after we’d undressed and crawled under the furs together that night.

“It was just strange. Meck seemed angry with Dalya. But Ferryn’s wound appeared to be healing well.”

Goll coasted a warm palm up and down my spine. I lay with my head on his chest, my arm draped across his waist.

“Meck is very protective of his brother. They had no father in their lives. Not that mine was any example. But I had Keffa and others like him. Their mother, my mother’s sister, moved them to Belladum after they were born here in Silvantis.” He paused, seeming lost in thought, but then added, “I believe Meckis simply afraid for his brother. I owe them some extra care as their kinsmen.”

I propped my chin on my hands so that I could gaze at him. His dragon eyes glowed silver in the dark of the tent. They were lovely.

“Did you know them growing up?” I asked.

“No. They’re younger.” He played with a strand of my hair that fell across his chest. “Born when I was away at the Gall Guild. I met them a few times when my mother had them visit her. Before she died. But not after. Not until I’d taken my father’s throne and was looking for faithful allies.”

“I understand your loyalty, but I didn’t like how harsh Meck was with Dalya. I know what it’s like to be a healer and unable to heal someone.”

He tucked the strand of hair he’d been trailing through his fingers behind my ear. “You’re thinking of your father and brother.”

I nodded.

“We set off tomorrow for Solzkin’s Heart,” he said. “I’ve sent Morgolith ahead with Soryn and Pullo to meet a friend he has in the shadow fae clans. They’ll meet us at Solzkin’s heart tomorrow at sunset.”

“We’re that close that we can reach it in one day?”

“We’ll take Drakmir. The rest of the Culled will follow.” His mouth tipped up in a small smile. “And I’d like to take you somewhere tomorrow before we meet them.”


“It’s a surprise.” He cupped my jaw and stroked the pad of his thumb across the apple of my cheek. “Now, get some sleep.”

Sighing, I snuggled closer and tried to fall asleep, though my mind wandered, envisioning Meck’s hard expression and Dalya’s tear-filled eyes.

Chapter 38


It feltgood to be on Drakmir’s back, soaring through the clouds, holding Una close to me. The farther we’d ventured toward shadow fae territory, the stronger my fears grew. It wasn’t the shadow fae I was frightened of. An unknown dread grew larger the farther we marched onward in this quest.

Finding the second text had been easier than I’d thought. Even while I’d nearly come out of my skin to protest Una drinking Grindolvek’s blood. I knew she was right in following the gods’ path, but it didn’t make it any easier.

But even that wasn’t what had my mood darkening these past few days. The attack by those hounds was only part of it. There was something I couldn’t see ahead, some ominous portent in our future.

Before we left this morning, I’d checked on Ferryn to be assured he was well enough to travel with the rest of the camp toward Solzkin’s Heart. Then I’d spoken with Dalya. I wanted to be certain she was all right as well after what Una had told me last night. I needed to assure Dalya that any falter in Ferryn’shealing wasn’t her fault, but the gods. She assured me that Meck was overly concerned for his brother and she was fine.

I also told her I’d want her to scry at base camp tonight. I hoped she could see what was coming for me. Something I apparently could not.

“This is wonderful.” Una leaned against my chest and called back to me, “I missed Drakmir.”

“You should tell him so.”

“I already did.” She laughed.

“You’ve connected telepathically again?”

She smiled over her shoulder. “He invited me in this time.”

“What did he show you?”

“This, actually.” She spread her arm to the sky. “He showed me the heavens and the earth below.”

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