Page 78 of Forged in Fire

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She waved her hand, palm up, trying to pull the information from me.

“And, yes, we kissed.”

“Oooooo, where?”

“At the front door.”

“That’s not what I meant.” She gave me a devious smile.

I punched her lightly. “Stop it. To be honest, Min, he was a terrible kisser.”

“Oh, nooooo! But he’s such perfect boyfriend material. A bad kiss can ruin everything!”

And a good kiss can melt your brain into mush. Not to mention what it can do to other parts of the female anatomy.

“Well, you can always teach him.”

“Very funny. It’s just, I don’t know, I’m not feeling the chemistry.”

“Uh-oh. Then break it off now and try to keep it friendly.”

“Yeah. Well, I haven’t talked to him since last night, and he’s texted me like three times ‘hoping I had a good time’, as he put it. I don’t know what to say. I don’t want to lead him on, you know?”

“Take it from me. Do it fast and quick, like ripping off a Band-Aid. Trust me, it’s better if you’re up-front.”

“Yeah, you’ve had a lot of experience with breakups. You’d know.”

A sweet giggle. She knew I was teasing, even though it was true. “I can’t help it. I like boys.”

“Yes, I’m well aware of that addiction of yours. Here we are.”

I found a good spot under a streetlight, not in a dark alley where David had parked us last time. Moron. I could feel the music pumping from the entrance. The big-and-beefy bouncer stood on duty again.

“Hey, there, Sunshine,” I said cheerily, passing him my ID. “You still here?”

He glanced at my license, then handed it back between his index and middle finger, raking dark eyes up and down.

“Still here.” Nice deep Conan-like voice to match the physique. “I’ll be glad to go wherever you go when I get off.”

I was about to give him a flirty no thanks when Mindy pinched me and pushed me through the door, saying, “She’d love that!”

“Mindy,” I warned, glaring over my shoulder as we made our way inside. “He’s not my type.”

“The problem is, you don’t really know your type, Gen. You spend too much time turning boys into your friends instead of a boyfriend. You need a man, and you need to get laid.”

I huffed. “Wow. I’m that desperate looking?”

“Not desperate. Just hungry.”

Turning away from her impish smile, I tried to remember why I was really here and tried to ignore who I was so hungry for.

We must’ve come on goth night. This crowd preferred dark monotones. Florence and the Machine’s “Heavy In Your Arms” pulsed slow and intense. Mindy made a beeline for the blue-lit bar.

I reached out with my VS, not sensing the presence of Flamma. Glancing up at one of the metal cages on the edge of the dance floor, I saw Kat swaying gently. She winked at me, then looked away. I realized then that I wouldn’t detect Flamma or demons if they were casting illusion.

She wore skintight gray pants and a blousy whites top. Of course, daggers were strapped to her thighs, but I couldn’t see them until I focused very hard on breaking through her glamour.

I marveled at how the casts worked; what you saw and were able to penetrate depended not only on the strength of the caster but also on the strength of the one trying to break it. Non-Flamma couldn’t break through a cast even if they knew it existed.

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