Page 130 of Forged in Fire

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I gave a tight smile at the go-to question every guy seemed to ask. “English literature.”

“And what are your plans with your degree? English teacher?”

He said English teacher as if it were a disease. It made me want to slap that smug look off his face. “What’s your major, Nathaniel?”


“And what are your plans with your degree? Take over Daddy’s business?”

Ouch.Where did that come from? Seems my tongue had a mind of its own tonight.

A flash of anger sharpened those hazel eyes, then the shadow was gone. He smiled coolly. “Yes, actually.”

“Pardon me, but may I cut in?”

I glanced over my shoulder to see George smiling charmingly at me. He gave Nathaniel a curt and cold nod, swinging me out of his arms without an answer. As George spun me around, I glimpsed Nathaniel’s dark expression before he walked off the floor alone.

“George, you’re my hero.”

He laughed, his dimples and bright eyes revealing how gorgeous he was. The candlelight cast a reddish glow on his chestnut hair.

“I am ever endeavoring to be the hero, Genevieve. It’s so nice to hear that I’m doing a fine job of it.”

I laughed at that. “But should you be seen with me? Won’t the demons recognize you?”

“No, I doubt it. I tend to stay out of the fray. Most demons don’t know what I look like. They only know me by name. Still, we’ll keep this dance short and sweet to be certain.”

I glanced up, feeling a sudden sinister tug in my core.

“Oh God. George, up there.” My voice came out in a whisper.

He followed my gaze to the balcony. Two men, dark-haired and dressed in all-black tuxedos, wore identical cold expressions. They stood like stone glaring down at us—me.

Their wicked glares were fixed unwaveringly. I was definitely their prey. I reached out with my VS, touching on an aura of menace seeping down from the balcony area. My eyes flickered to the stairwell where Jude was already making his way up the stairs.

“And, abracadabra. There they are.”

George spun me expertly to the far end of the dance floor near the stairwell, sweeping a kiss on the top of my hand and ascending the stairs. George and Jude could catch the demons faster if they sifted, but then this place might erupt in chaos.

I backed away, walking toward our alcove, glancing nervously around. I saw another man standing behind the stage looking out. My VS homed in on him. He was identical to the two at the top of the balcony. Wait, they weren’t there anymore. Neither were Jude and George. The three demons could’ve been triplets. The one behind the stage turned away from me.

A statuesque blonde in leopard print leapt from the shadows. Kat grabbed his shoulder, and they both sifted out. No one noticed.

I reached out with my VS, sweeping the dance floor, the stairs, the balcony. Nothing. I didn’t feel Flamma anywhere.


Just like that, they sifted out with Bamal’s demons to a safer place for negotiations. They’d told me the plan. Once they identified the demons, it was a simple step to take them elsewhere and deal with them. I inhaled a deep gulping breath, my heart pounding.

Still afraid, I swept the area again with my Vessel power. All safe. Relief washed over me. I couldn’t believe our luck or that I’d escaped a near-death experience. I suppose it wasn’t too shabby having this badass trio of protection.

I walked back to the alcove to find Miss Donna and Mrs. Clark whispering over some sort of gossip.

“Miss Donna, have you seen Mindy?”

“Oh yes, dear. She and Nathaniel headed out for some fresh air.”

Fresh air? Yeah, I bet. I ambled back out into the ballroom, laughter and music swelling as the night wore on. Mindy had been flirting with this guy since we got here, but I knew she wasn’t the cheating type. She might let Nathaniel think he was getting somewhere, but she and David were still an item.

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