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Redvyr stared at Vallon, raising the hairs on my arms at the inherent threat there. Then he whistled loudly over his shoulder.

At once, another Meer-wolf, a pale gray smaller one, came trotting out of the encampment. As it drew closer, I could make out its rider, my heart racing with sheer joy.

“Tessa,” I whispered, tears pricking my eyes.

I broke free from Vallon’s hold and ran toward her. She stopped the wolf and slid off carefully, a bundle wrapped around her shoulders and waist. Then she was running toward me, laughing and crying like I was.

“Tessa!” I screamed, sprinting across the tall grass of the plain.

We collided and wrapped around each other, but just as quickly I drew back at the gurgling grunt of an infant between us.

“Oh, Murgha, let me look at you.” She cupped my cheeks, smiling through tears.

But I was staring at the child swaddled in a sling crossing one of her shoulders. “Tessa,” I panted breathlessly. “Is this babe yours?”

She was still staring at me with all the love I’d missed, but then she laughed and tugged open the cloth hiding her child.

“Saralyn, meet your Aunt Murgha.”

I peered beneath the swaddle at the most beautiful brown-skinned, dark-haired baby girl. Her eyes were wide and hazel, lashes thick and dark, the nubs of horns showing beneath her hair.

“Oh, Tessa.” I sniffed at the onslaught of emotion. “May I hold her?”

“Let’s sit down.” Tessa sat cross-legged, tugging on my arm to follow.

I did. She untied the sling from around her shoulders, lowering the sweet baby into her lap, then she lifted her gently toward me.

In utter shock and disbelief, I held the precious bundle close to my chest. “My niece,” I whispered, staring at her beautiful, little face.

She cooed back sweetly, then a tiny tail wrapped around my wrist.

“Oh!” I gasped.

Tessa laughed. “I know. Takes some getting used to. She likes to grab hold of everything with her tail.”

I shook my head, laughing softly. “So you were telling the truth in the letter you left on the inn doorstep.”

Tessa was combing a hand through my hair, a sign of her affection. “Yes.” Her voice sobered. “You thought I was forced, didn’t you?”

“I did,” I confessed. “What else was I supposed to think, Tessa? You’d gone into the woods for juniper and never returned.”

“I know, I know.” She took my free hand and squeezed. “I’m sorry.” Her gaze drifted over my shoulder. “Are you truly here with a shadow fae?”

“I am. He’s my husband.”

It was her turn to look shocked. “What!”

Smiling, I arched a brow. “Is it so hard to believe? You mated with a beast fae, after all.”

“It’s just…how in the name of the gods did that happen? How did you meet a shadow fae?”

“It’s a long story.” And a sad one, which I wasn’t ready to tell. I wanted to bask in the bliss of this moment. “I’ll tell you later.” I stared down at the sweet face peering up at me. “Right now, I want to simply hold my darling niece and hear all about your new life here.”

So Tessa told me of her adventures as mate to a beast fae, moving to new camps, enjoying a carefree kind of life. They didn’t worry about working for coin or trading with others to make it through the winter. They all worked together to provide for the clan, living harmoniously. Well, relatively so. She said there was still the same old jealousy as in any clan.

Her mate was the chief warrior I’d just met, Bezaliel. Tessa hadn’t been welcomed at first, having taken and claimed one of their finest warriors to be her own. Of course, he’d ensured everyone knew that she was now part of their clan, no matter that she was born a wood fae. It gave me hope that I’d find some harmony in my new life in Gadlizel.

I’d noted that Vallon, Bezaliel, and Redvyr had drawn closer to us, but kept far enough away to give us privacy. I’d even seen them speaking to Vallon. Since they weren’t at blows, I assumed it was somewhat civil.

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