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“Yes,” he groaned, holding me hard and grinding against my buttocks. “Mine.” His voice was no longer velvety and silky, but beastly and dark. “You are fuckingmine,” he repeated, dragging his cock out to the tip and pounding in once more, still spilling his seed inside me.

I’d never felt so wonderfully used, my body throbbing with both pain and pleasure. Vallon remained buried inside me as he lapped at the wound in my neck, a low purring sound vibrating from his chest to my back.

But then, the gentle Vallon suddenly returned as he hauled my torso back against him, still deep inside me when he whispered, “I’ll never let you go, Murgha.” He nuzzled my cheek. “I’ll never abandon you.”

A wave of emotion washed through me, drawing tears from my eyes. I hadn’t known how badly I needed those words. Even more, I believed them with my whole heart to be true.

Then Vallon finally pulled from inside me, scooped me into his arms, and carried me to bed. I was already half asleep when I felt him wiping a warm cloth between my legs. When he pulled the covers over us both and curled his body behind mine, I fell immediately into a dreamless sleep.




Iwoke with a jolt. I heard nothing, saw no intruder. Nevertheless, a shadow fae was near. I felt his magick, a ghostly whisper along my skin.

Silently, I reached for my knife beside the bed, unsheathing it without making a sound. A quick scan of the room. He wasn’t in here. The curtains billowed at the open balcony door, larks chirping in the early light of morning.

I stepped cautiously outside, ready for an attack, looking toward the shadows where he’d likely hid himself with magick. But then I saw the intruder, not hiding at all.

He stood to the far left of our balcony, back straight and rigid, looking out toward the mountains, the first light of dawn shining on his golden hair. Rather than relax, I remained ready to defend should I need to.

“My prince,” I acknowledged.

He turned slowly, taking in my nakedness and my fighting stance. “My prince? So formal, Vallon. It is just us.” There was a twinge of hurt in his voice.

I didn’t answer. I was far from where I was supposed to be, sleeping in the wraith king’s castle, which was unheard of. Last I reported to him, I was on watch in the woods south ofLake Moreen, checking on my ward. Torvyn knew all about my father’s dying wish.

But now, I was miles away from our home, where I should have been. And no doubt, he could smell her on me.

He stared, his golden eyes taking everything in as always. “She’s pretty, your little ward.”

“She’s my mate,” I snapped quickly. “My wife.”

For the first time since I’d known him as a boy, a look of shock widened his eyes. “That is…unexpected.”

“Nevertheless, it is true.” Tension vibrated from my frame, and I still clenched my knife at my side.

“No one will care if the high priest takes a light fae to wife.” He glanced at the blade in my hand. “Is that why you’ve hidden away with her in King Goll’s summer castle?”

“There are other reasons I cannot bring her to Gadlizel.”

“What reasons?” As always, his question wasn’t a question. It was a command.

As high priest, I usually answered without pause. But now, I kept my mouth closed.

The sun peaked above the horizon, gilding his orange-tipped black wings, the markings of his royal line.

“Why are you threatened by me?” he asked, a frown pursing his brow. “We’re friends.”

“Are we?” I couldn’t keep the gruff tone out of my voice.

“What are you talking about? Of course, we are.”

“Torvyn, you’ve been withdrawing more and more these past many months. Even when I see you or talk to you, I feel like you’re not truly there. I fear that—” I cut off my own words, refusing to say what I believed. But Torvyn’s dawning expression said he knew.

“That I’m turning into my father.”

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