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I pulled the ribbons at her shoulders, letting the shift fall next, revealing her entirely to me. Swallowing hard, I pulled the toweling from my waist and dropped it aside. Her gaze lowered,taking me in, her mouth falling open before she squeezed her eyes shut then looked back up at me.

“How does it work?” she asked, voice quivering.

“I’ll give you my vows. Then you give me yours. That comes first.”

She nodded, so I took her small hands in mine and stepped closer, ignoring the painful erection between us.

“Murgha,” I began softly, “I pledge you my life and my heart from this day forward. I will protect you and keep you safe always. Beneath Lumera’s light, I give you my love till my dying breath.”

She stared wonderingly, her eyes glassy with unshed tears. “Love?”

“Yes.” I nodded. “Love.”

“How can you speak of love? We only just met. You don’t even know me.”

A laugh rumbled in my chest. “I know that your kind, giving spirit will warm me on many cold nights. I know that your curious nature makes me smile. And I know that your tender, loving heart is worth cherishing. It’s worth fighting for.” I pressed my forehead to hers. “My heart began beating only for you since the moment I saw you in that inn. If that isn’t love, then I don’t know what is.”

Tears streaked down her cheeks then fell away. I stepped back, waiting for her vows.

She licked her lips and lifted her chin, holding my gaze. “Vallon of House Hennawyn, I promise to care for you, to be faithful, and to…”—she paused, her heart in her eyes—“and toloveonly you from now and into the afterworld. I ask for Elska’s blessing beneath Lumera’s light to shine upon us with the gifts of marriage—enduring companionship, children if the gods wish it, and steadfast loyalty. I will never abandon you or our marriage.”

This was important to her. Her mother had essentially abandoned her husband when she’d fallen for her true father. And though the mating bond was strong enough to lure her mother into infidelity, it obviously placed a mark on my Murgha. For her mother had abandoned her as well, leaving her with a parent who wasn’t truly hers and who didn’t truly love her.

“And I will never abandon you,” I vowed.

Then I pressed my mouth to hers, sealing our vows with a tender kiss.




The night was warm, and yet I couldn’t stop shaking, my body buzzing with anticipation and my heart about to burst at what I was doing.

I wasn’t the rash sister. Tessa was. I’d always thought through every action with careful scrutiny. But here I was, giving my entire self to a shadow fae I met two days ago. My logical mind was reeling from what I was doing, while my heart urged me forward and my soul rejoiced.

Vallon stared into my eyes, coasting his warm palms from my bare shoulders and down my arms, then he lowered himself to his knees, his wings flaring wide. I watched as he kissed and nipped across my belly to my hip, too aroused to be embarrassed.

He lowered to his haunches, his hands trailing up my thighs and around to my backside.

“Come closer,” he urged, tugging me forward.

I wasn’t entirely ignorant of the sexual act, but I didn’t quite understand what he wanted until he slid both thumbs through my thatch of curls, spread the lips of my quim and opened his warm mouth on the tight bud between.

“Ah!” I cried out, grabbing hold of his shoulder and one of his horns at the same time.

He lapped and licked, drawing out spikes of pleasure with every sweep of his long tongue.

“Vallon,” I whispered, squirming beneath the heavenly sensation.

Growling against my clitoris, which only made me moan louder, he lifted one of my legs and draped it over his shoulder, opening me wider.

“I can’t…oh, gods.” I gripped his horn tight and rocked my cunny against his mouth, writhing with the hot pleasure pouring through my body.

He held my thigh hard, keeping me balanced as he laved and sucked then tongued inside me, driving my arousal toward a spiraling peak.

I ground harder against his mouth, whimpering with the luxurious heat climbing higher, making me hotter.

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