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Lorik’s lips quirked tiredly, and he huffed out a sharp breath through his nostrils.

“From what I can see and from what I know, you’ve lived here a long time, since your sister’s death, yes? All alone in the Black Veil, where most wouldn’t even step foot. You tend to your glowflies and you keep yourbraydus, who you are certain never came from the Below. You go to the market every moon cycle to sell your potions and healing salves. You collect your money, and then you come back. To your cottage in the Black Veil. Alone. Where you tend to your glowflies and keep yourbraydus, who does in fact protect you more than you know.”

I stood, frozen, looking down at him. My heart was pounding in my chest. Out of anger? Defensiveness? Or sadness? Loneliness?

“You don’t know me at all” was all I could utter. And in the quiet of my room, it felt as pathetic as it sounded.

“Most would say you don’t like change. You live a comfortable life. A peaceful one. But is it content? Are you happy?”

I didn’t like to be criticized. And this? It felt like one big criticism ofmylife.

“Why do you even care?” I whispered harshly, glaring down at him. He wasn’t fazed by my ire, however.

“Because I want to know everything about you, Marion.”

My breath whooshed out of my lungs. Shock momentarily dispelled any displeasure I felt.

“I see a beautiful, empathetic, kind woman, whodidleave the safety of her own home to help a stranger in the middle of the night. I see a woman who smiles at villagers in the market who don’t even deserve it. I see a woman who has overcome struggle and tragedy but has still managed to build all of this. All by herself. Who sings like an Allavari angel and who has barely slept because she’s been tending to a massive, nosy, irritating bastard who’s disrupted her life. She would say it’s her duty as ahealer…but truthfully, I think it might be because she likes him too.”

My cheeks felt warm.

“I want to understand that woman,” Lorik said. “I want to knowyou. I have for some time.”

My mind flashed to the first time we’d met. All those moon cycles ago in the market, on a drizzly, gray day. I remembered the way my heart had stopped at that mischievous, almost secretive grin when he’d stopped at my stall.

“You never…you never…”

“Asked your name? Asked you to the tavern for an Allavari ale after you packed up your wares? Flirted with you in one of the back booths there so I could steal your kiss and then another when I walked you home?”

“Well…” I trailed off, surprised, flustered. “Yes.”

“You didn’t strike me as a woman who would welcome someone like me.”

My brows furrowed. His tone was soft. Almost…somber. Quiet in its truth.

“You assume a lot, Lorik Ravael,” I said, just as quietly. “Maybe instead of assuming, you could simplyask.”

“Yes,” Lorik said, his eyes closing for a brief moment. I thought I saw something shimmer over his skin, but when the candle’s light flickered, I knew my eyes were just playing tricks on me. “You’re right, little witch. So when I’m recovered and not sweating out poison in your bed, would you join me for an Allavari ale at Grimstone’s Tavern?”

Despite the ache in my back from tending to him the better part of the day and the annoyance in my chest from his earlier words, a small laugh escaped me.

“You don’t have to call it an Allavari ale, you know,” I pointed out. “We are in Allavar. You just call it ale.”

“Was that an answer?”

I tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear, suddenly shy.

“Yes,” I said. “Yes, I’ll join you at Grimstone’s.”

Lorik’s eyes shone. He went quiet, simply watching me, and I fidgeted under his gaze. Embarrassed but pleased with his slow perusal and observation.

“For the sake of honesty, Marion,” he warned, his tone deep and husky, “I won’t lie—I’ll likely try to steal a kiss long before Grimstone’s ever happens.”

Excitement displaced my previous annoyance. This was new. It felt…dizzying. To be wanted. To be pursued. Especially byhim.

“I might even let you,” I rushed out.

The sound he made was a cross between a groan and a laugh.

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