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I rolled my eyes. Of course, Finn—Mr. Socialmedialite—would know about the elusive, behemoth pig wandering around town.

Finn pulled his phone from his back pocket and checked a text then shot one back to whoever was messaging him.

“Who’s that? Thesurgeon?”

“A friend in the Navy,” he answered, one corner of his lip lifting into a crooked smile.

“Justa friend?” I asked with loads of innuendo.

He tapped one last message and shoved it in his back pocket on a wistful sigh. “No, seriously. Just a friend. He’s straight. Unfortunately.”

“Who, Liam? You’re still keeping up with him?”

Liam was a friend from high school but had mingled on the perimeter of our group. Nice, quiet guy, running back on the football team. But he and Finn had been on student council together and were sort of buddies.

“Kind of,” he said noncommittally.

“So, what are you doing? Don’t you have a class?” The tardy bell was going to ring any second.

“Yes.” He grinned, his green eyes brightening with mischief. “You’re coming with me to Italian Night tonight at Broussard’s.”

The mere mention of his name caused an explosion of sweet burning that started in my chest and ended right between my legs.

“What are you talking about?”

“Michael can’t go, so I need a date. And I’m not losing out on free wine and a meal. So be ready at five.” He started backing away. “I’ll swing by and pick you up.”

The tardy bell rang. Lily hurried back to her class and shut the door.

I did the same, but I moved in slow motion. I’d been purposefully banning Bennett from my thoughts after the incident at the last rehearsal, which had sent me home and straight into a hot bath where I masturbated to the memory of his mouth and hands on me.

Good Lord! That man could kiss. I mean, I was no novice. I’d dated plenty of guys, even phenomenal kissers. But damn. Not one compared to Bennett Broussard. And that was a problem.

If he was that good at kissing and touching, I couldn’t stop thinking how good he would be in bed.

Even though part of me hesitated going out with Bennett for some reason that I still couldn’t pinpoint, the other part of me was doing a strip tease and buying condoms.

Not that he’d asked me out on a real date yet. Only the fake date we had on Saturday to the Golden Oldies theater. He’d texted me last night, sending my heart rate into the stratosphere. But there was no Bennett teasing and flirtation. All business.

Him:Peter still wants us to go and see the Barefoot movie. Are you free Saturday?

Me: Yes, that sounds great. Do I still get a free meal out of this business date? ;)

Lengthy pausethat made me uncomfortable.

Him:Sure. Pick you up at 6:00.

And then absolutely nothing.He’d bowed out of rehearsal yesterday, telling Peter that he had to handle something at work and couldn’t get free. It was the first time he’d ever canceled rehearsal. It was also the first rehearsal following our fake kiss fiasco.

I’d told him it was okay after he’d apologized. I hoped he wasn’t beating himself up over it. Surely, he wasn’t avoiding me. He’d set up our business date for Saturday. If he acted all weird then, I’d confront him and we’d work it out. Like adults. Then we could go back to being friendly theater colleagues and that’s all.

Chapter Ten


“I thoughtyou said you couldn’t cook,” Finn observed over my shoulder as I stirred the Bolognese sauce.

“I said I couldn’t bake. I’m a good cook. There’s a complete difference.”

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