Page 97 of Taking What's Ours

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He won’t meet my eyes, and a dozen explanations run through my mind. “She go off with one of the girls?”

Darko picks up my glass and holds it up. “Drink.”

I toss back the damn shot and slam it down. “Where is she, Darko?”

“She went down the hall to the bathroom. I’m guessing she had another run-in with Desiree. Don’t know what happened, but Elaina was pretty shaken when she came out here.”

“Where is she?” I rise from my stool, intending to head to the parking lot, but Darko stops me with a hand to my chest. If it had been anyone else, I’d shove his hand off, but he’s my VP, so I grind my teeth and glare at him.

“She’s gone, brother.”

“Gone where?”

“Said she wanted to get out of here. She asked me to give her a ride, so I took her to your place.”

I shove his hand off and stalk toward the door, but whirl around and point a finger at him. “You had no right puttin’ my girl on the back of your bike, VP. None. You shoulda called me out here.”

Darko nods. “Maybe, but she was pretty upset.”

I stride outside before I do the unforgivable and punch my VP in the face. Jogging to my bike, I dig my phone out and call Elaina. It goes straight to voicemail.

“Babe? Call me back.”

I shove it in my pocket and haul ass across town.

By the time I pull up at my house, her car is gone from the driveway. Dropping the kickstand, I take the stairs two at a time and go into the house.

“Elaina?” I shout, but I’m met with silence. I backtrack across the deck to the garage apartment. When I fling the door open, the place is empty. No Elaina. No dog. No luggage. I don’t see any of her belongings.

I’m about to turn and dash out when something catches my eye, and I notice a note on the bed.

Snatching it up, I see it’s in her feminine handwriting.


Thanks for everything. It was fun while it lasted, but being at the clubhouse today just reiterated what I think I’ve known all along. It wasn’t an easy decision, but I think it is best for both of us. You and I are too different, and I don’t think we’ll be able to make it work, no matter how much we want it.

I’m going back to Denver. Please don’t come after me; it won’t change my mind.

Wishing you the all the best.


“What the fuck is she talking about?” My legs weaken. I drop to the side of the bed, feeling like someone just hit me with a two-by-four. Everything was fine… at least, I thought everything was fine. We were happy. The last few days have been incredible, some of the best of my life. What the hell happened?

I backtrack in my mind.


“What the fuck did she say to you, babe?” I can only imagine. Pulling out my phone, I try her again, and when it tells me the subscriber is not available, I know she’s turned her phone off. I fling my keys across the room. They slam into the door and fall to the floor. “Goddamn it, Elaina.”

I drop my elbows to my knees and my head to my hands. The pain is almost as excruciating as when I lost Hannah and Sophie. Yes, it's early in our relationship, and I know I fought it at first, but this gut-wrenching pain tells me everything I need to know.

Elaina is the one for me—the love I thought I’d never find again. The hell of it is, I thought she was fitting in perfectly. I had no doubt she’d make the transition to ol’ lady so well. The girls all love her and have taken her into their little clique.

Plus, she’d fought Desiree for me. She was a fighter. So why now has she turned and run?

Desiree had already spewed her vile lies at Elaina, so what changed? What could that bitch possibly have told her that would make Elaina decide I was no longer worth the trouble?

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