Page 49 of Taking What's Ours

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His eyes sweep over me. “I cannot wait to see your costume.” He stands and holds out his hand, pulling me to my feet. “Come on.”

We throw our trash in a bin and walk hand in hand.

A cold wind blows over us, and I check the sky. “Looks like it might rain.”

“Nah, it’ll hold off. You like that pumpkin spice shit?”

“You mean like a latte?”

“Yeah, those.”

“I do, actually.”

He steers me toward a booth and orders one for me and a coffee for himself.

“Not into pumpkin spice?” I tease.

He makes a face. “That shit’s gross. Pumpkin coffee? No thanks.”

“Have you tried it?”

“Don’t need to try it. It sounds disgusting.”

I giggle and hold my cup toward his face. “Have some. Come on.”

He jumps back like I’m holding a snake, and the next thing I know, I’m chasing him around with it until most of it is spills on the ground, and we’re both laughing.

“That thing cost me almost ten bucks,” he complains with a grin.

I toss the empty cup in a trash can. “Sorry. I owe you one.”

“Come on, lady.” He snags my hand and laces our fingers together, sipping on his own half full cup of coffee. “Hmm, good.”

“Shut up!” I roll my eyes.

“You know what I bet you’re dying for about now?”

“To punch you in the arm?”

“Nope. A pumpkin spice latte.”



When we arrive at Baja’s house, it’s drizzling.

Baja shoves his door open. “Guess I was wrong about the rain.”

We dash up the steps to the deck, and when I would have headed to the apartment above the garage, he takes my hand and tugs me toward his house. “It’s still early. I’ll build a fire, and we can talk some more.”

“Let me get Rosie.” I hurry to the apartment, and she’s excited to see me. I don’t even have to put her leash on; she just follows Baja and me across the deck and into his house.

He leads the way to the living room.

“Sit down and curl up. This will only take a minute.” He gestures to the couch, then goes to one knee in front of the fireplace and begins stacking wood. Lightning flashes a second before a boom of thunder sounds, and I jump.

Rosie whimpers and hides in the corner by the fireplace.

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