Page 26 of Taking What's Ours

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“I had to. She was having second thoughts, and I was afraid she was going to go back to the asshole.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Utah holds his hand up. “Back the train up. She spent the night in your room?”

“We had two beds. She was with my brother. I’m not that big a dick.”

“Jury’s out on that one, bro,” Trez teases, then looks at the time on his phone. “We need to get to the clubhouse. Church starts in half an hour. Let’s roll.”

Chairs scrape against the concrete as we all head to our bikes. We ride across town and into the hills to the clubhouse. When we troop through the door, Rock and Darko are at the end of the bar, nursing whiskies. T-Bone, Night Train, and Wildman are playing pool.

“’Bout time,” Rock growls, standing and downing his drink. “Church. Now.”

The boys toss their cues on the table, and we all head down the hall to the room we use for meetings. Once we’re all in place around the long wooden table, Rock slams the gavel, calling the meeting to order. He quickly dispenses with official bullshit, then gets to the reason he called this meeting.

“We’ve got trouble, boys. I’ve been hearing rumors the Vipers are trying to take hold in in our state. The thing is, they’ve been making alliances with all sorts of piss-ant clubs. They don’t seem to care how young they are. I heard they’ve made a club called the Rat Boys their bitches.”

“Rat Boys,” Memphis mutters. “I’ve heard of them. Ran into a couple in my nomad days. They’re a bunch of punks. Unfortunately, they’ve got more balls than brains. They ride ninja bikes. Surprised the Vipers are going down that road.”

“They’re desperate and will use anyone to get what they want, and what they want is more territory. Got word from Jameson O’Rourke they’ve been spotted in Grand Junction.”

“Jameson O’Rourke.” Wildman drags a hand down his face. “Why does that name sound familiar?”

“He runs Brothers Ink Tattoo,” Rock replies. “Had that TV reality show about him, too.”

Wildman snaps his fingers. “That’s right. I remember that show. He’s really good. His work is primo. You know him?”

“Evelyn met his brother Rory’s wife when she was running from Malik. They’ve stayed in touch. We rode up there last year. He and his brothers are good people. They all ride, too.”

“So, what’s our plan?” I ask.

Rock meets my eyes. “We keep an eye out. Jameson said he thinks they were just passing through, but who knows where they were headed. We may need to make a run up to Denver, make sure they aren’t trying to take hold there. For now, we just keep our eyes and ears open.”

I glance around the table. Some expressions are exasperated, some worried.

“I’m sick of these Viper motherfuckers,” Memphis growls.

Trez meets his eyes. “Me, too, brother.”

“Doesn’t seem so long ago we were going up against them in Utah when they tried to take over the Iron Death,” I say.

Rock nods. “I’d hoped they were taken care of, but apparently not.” He pounds the gavel down. “Meeting adjourned.”

I watch him rise, knowing his ol’ lady is the daughter of the president of the Iron Dead MC, the club the Vipers tried to force out of Utah. She was also once with the Vipers’ VP before she ran. That was some fucked up shit, and I’m glad she and our president ended up together. They’re a perfect fit.

“Let’s get a beer,” Trez says, slapping my shoulder, and I stand and follow him out.



It’s midnight when I ride up the backstreets and coast around the corner and down the hill, turning into my garage. Shutting my bike off, I stand and shrug out of my cut, stashing it in my saddlebag. After locking the garage, I trudge up the stairs to the deck, exhausted.

As soon as I come through the door, I’m brought up short by the sight of Elaina standing near the fridge, holding a glass of orange juice.

She looks as surprised to see me as I am her.

My eyes sweep down, taking in the pajama shorts and racerback tank. It’s evident she’s not wearing a bra, and I can see her nipples tighten into little peaks under my stare. The sight of them has my dick instantly at attention and my mouth watering.

Flicking my gaze to hers, it’s apparent she caught me looking. I close the door behind me. “Hey. Didn’t think you’d still be up.”

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