Page 21 of Taking What's Ours

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Dylan is in the kitchen, chopping green onions. He glances over his shoulder. “You want another beer? Sorry, I’m not much of a wine drinker.”

“Can I help?”

“Nope. Just sit your pretty self on a stool and watch.” He moves to the fridge and grabs another bottle, twisting the top off and sliding it across to me.

“Thanks. What are you making? It smells amazing.”

“Pork and Peanut Dragon Noodles. My grandmother loved Asian food. She taught me this one. It’s got her amazing Dragon Sauce.”

“What’s in that?”

“Soy sauce, brown sugar, and chili garlic sauce.”

“Sounds delicious.”

He pauses. “You’re not allergic to peanuts, are you?”


“Good. Because if you were, that would tank this whole dinner.”

I chuckle, sip my beer and sit back to watch him work. The pork is sizzling in a skillet. “I’m amazed you had all these ingredients handy since you’ve been out of town.”

He meets my eyes with a grin. “I was only gone one night.”

After draining the grease from the skillet, he takes a bowl and pours the sauce over the meat and adds chopped peanuts, stirring it with a wooden spoon. Then he drains what looks like ramen noodles into a colander and sets it aside, returning to stir the meat.

He glances back. “There are bowls in that cabinet. Grab us two.”

I slip from my stool and open the upper cabinet. I find a stack of beautiful Asian designed shallow bowls. I grab two. “These are stunning.”

“Gran got them on one of her trips.” He points to a drawer. “Chopsticks if you’re daring. Forks if you’re not.”

Sliding the drawer open, I grab two sets of chopsticks. “I can’t promise I’m any good with these, but I’ll give it a go.”

“Brave girl.” He winks and adds the noodles to the skillet, mixing them in, then topping them with another handful of nuts and the chopped green onion. He holds out his hand, and I pass him a bowl. He grabs a set of tongs and puts a serving in the bowl. I pass him the other and we carry our meal to the table.

He retreats to the fridge to grab himself another beer, then sits catty-corner from me.

I fumble with the chopsticks, and he repositions my grip.

“This way. See?” He guides my hand.

I get a portion and carry it to my mouth, then moan around the delicious flavor exploding in my mouth. “This is amazing.”

“Thanks.” He digs into his own.

Once I chew and swallow, I study him. “So, you’re good looking, sweet, and can cook. Why aren’t you snatched up?”

“Snatched up?”

“Married. Significant other. You know.”

“Ah, well, sometimes things just don’t work out, ya know? Besides, I don’t cook for many women.”

“Then I feel honored I get to appreciate your awesome gift.”

He actually blushes and reaches for his beer. “Thanks.”

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