Page 1 of Taking What's Ours

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Watching the bride walk down the aisle, I immediately realize two things without a doubt.

She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.

And my selfish prick of a brother doesn’t deserve her.

My jaw tightens as I stand next to him at the altar.

It’s not your business, Baha. You’re only here because Ma wanted you to be Elliott’s best man. Said it wouldn’t look right if you didn’t do this for him.

I lost the ability to give a damn about doing anything for Elliott a long time ago. Ma’s the only reason I’m here. I guess there’s a shred of maternal love in my twisted heart for the woman who gave me birth. That and the fact that I’d thought about ruining this whole thing for Elliott like he ruined so many things in my life. But looking at this girl, I know I can’t do it. I can’t ruin her big day just to spite my brother, no matter how much he deserves it.

So here I am, standing in a tux, the long sleeves covering my tattoos, and my shaggy hair hanging past my collar, studying the bride.

I have to wonder what she sees in my asshole brother, and how he could fool her, and if her family has any inkling of doubt about the man she’s about to marry. But then, Elliott’s always been able to mask his true nature. He can turn on the charm when it suits his purpose. I imagine there’s something in this for him, besides the beautiful woman of course. If I know my brother, he wouldn’t tie himself to responsibility unless there was a payoff.

My eyes stray to the bride’s father as he escorts her down the aisle. He looks like the country club type, so maybe there’s money to be had. My brother always could spot a mark.

Looking over at the bride again, I see her tear-glazed eyes lock solely on my brother, and a shot of red-hot jealousy spikes through me, making me suck in a breath. I’ve never in my life been envious of Elliott, except when it came to the love he garnered from our parents.

My plane was late getting here, and there wasn’t time for introductions. I wonder if anyone thinks it’s weird they’ve never met the best man. I wasn’t even invited to his bachelor party. I’m sure he gave some bullshit excuse that made me look like an asshole.

Since I was so last minute in arriving, I’ve not met this gorgeous woman who has no idea the life she has in store for her, and there’s no time to warn her now. Pity. She’s one lady I would have liked to have saved. But it’s too late; her father is passing her off to Elliott, and the minister is beginning the ceremony.

Standing here, knowing this girl is about to give her life away, I wish I’d never come. I wish I’d made excuses and blown this whole fucking thing off, no matter how much it disappointed my mother. Why do I give a damn?

Now I’m stuck watching this whole farce and listening to my brother give vows I know he’ll never keep. He’ll never honor this woman. He’ll never cherish her. And I know damn well the ‘forsaking all others’ part is a joke to him.

I catch the eye of her maid of honor. She’s the only one in the bunch of girls standing in a line of pink sherbet gowns who seems to look at Elliott with judgment. Maybe she’s seen through him.

“Elaina, do you take this man to be your lawful wedded husband? To love, honor, and cherish him, forsaking all others, to care for him in sickness and health, for richer or poorer, until death do you part?”

Say no, Elaina. Turn and run.

But she doesn’t, and I can’t help the sorrow that seeps into my heart for this girl I know nothing about except that she has a sweet, loving smile.

I wonder how long I have to stick around at the reception until I can cut out and hit my hotel room.

The cheers from those in attendance shake me from my thoughts as the bride and groom kiss and are presented to the congregation. I and the rest of the wedding party troop down the aisle behind the newlyweds. I pass smiling faces, all happy to see this union—all of them fooled. But when I glance over at the maid of honor as I escort her out, I notice her smile is tight and doesn’t meet her eyes. Good. At least someone will keep a close eye on my brother.

After an irritating amount of time taking photos, we finally make it to the reception.

I sit through the introductions, the first dance, and the meal.

I tried love once. Thought maybe I could have it all—the club, an ol’ lady, even a family someday. Fate had other ideas and showed me exactly how foolish I’d been. I learned my lesson well one rainy fall day almost six years ago. When my love went to her grave, she took our child with her. It took me almost a year before I cleared out the nursery that we’d painted pink and decorated with unicorns. Sophia would have started kindergarten this year. I close my eyes and will myself not to think about it. If I go down that dark hole again, I may never find my way out.

“Would you like more champagne, sir?”

I nod at the waiter who fills my glass and moves on. I down a big swig and grimace. Champagne’s not my thing, and I don’t know why the hell I told him to refill it, except that I need alcohol.

I try not to think about Hannah and our daughter. These days I’ve resigned myself that all that just isn’t in the cards for me. I’m better off this way—no responsibilities, no one to worry about except myself… no one to get hurt because of me and the Royal Bastards MC.

I wasn’t meant to have that life. My club is the only family I need.

When the meal ends, the music starts, and I rise from my seat, intending to stride toward the bar, grab a real drink, and sneak out the nearby exit, but the DJ interrupts to announce the cake cutting, and I lower to my seat to watch the happy couple and wait for another opportunity.

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