Page 96 of True Anchor

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My phone flashed with a text I'd missed ten minutes ago. A blank message from Celeste. I quickly opened the security monitors.

The bakery was empty.

Front and back doors open.

They were gone.

I checked the recorded footage. Wren opening a package. Smoke. Celeste running. Wren weakening. Celeste dragging her out. Both of them passing out. Wren's lips moving but her body limp.

Scanning ahead. Two guys carrying them out to a van.


I forced myself to focus through the seething red haze clouding my vision as I called Vander. "Celeste and Wren were taken unconscious from the bakery approximately the same time that Sheila called me. Hauled off in a van."

He was silent for a minute, but I could feel his fury growing just like mine. When he finally spoke, his voice was cold as ice. "Her phone is still at the bakery, but her GPS tracker istransmitting. It shows her traveling toward Marina Del Rey. We're moving all assets to Celeste and Wren."

Fontaine would not be happy with a diversion from his target, but our women were involved now, so he'd have to suck it up. "Is Helix tracking the vans?"

"No. He missed them."

Shit. This was a series of mistakes that kept getting worse. "Maybe they're all there. Transporting the victims by boat."

Vander growled. "And Celeste and Wren are victims now too."

"Not for long," I said with determination. We had to get them back instantly. There was no way he was taking Wren on a boat anywhere.

Vander was silent again as I waited for his response.

Nothing for a long time.

"Vander, lock it down."

"Copy." His voice broke, but he finally took action. "Remy is en route. ETA twenty minutes. Pack waterproof gear."

"Roger that."

He disconnected.

My marine gear was deeper in the closet, but I tore that thing apart to find it. Fuck. I knew I shouldn't have let her go alone. If Kenny or any of his men put one finger on my Wren, they were dead. He messed with the wrong team.

Chapter 36 Take Your Shot


I woke up coughing and bouncing around in the back of a vehicle. My lungs burned, and my head throbbed. Through stinging eyes, I saw Celeste's limp body on the bench next to me. Her chest rose up and down with her breaths. She was alive. Thank God. My arms still felt weak, but I managed to push myself up and move over to her. "Celeste! Wake up. Please," I whispered urgently, not sure if the driver could hear us or not.

Panic set in as I realized what had happened. The red smoke was a trick from Kenny. The gas that sprayed in my face knocked me and Celeste out, and we'd been kidnapped.

I patted her cheeks and moved her head from side to side. "Please wake up."

She groaned, and her eyelids fluttered open.

"Are you okay?"

Her eyes took in her environment, and she sat up quickly. She scanned my body and hers for injuries and then covered her mouth with a finger for me to be quiet. "Vander will track us," she whispered as she tapped the thick square buckle on her belt.

"He has LoJack on you?"

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