Page 82 of True Anchor

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Gavin was standing on Sylvie's doorstep with an easygoing grin on his face, his muscles relaxed. "Hey, brother." He smacked Magnum on the bicep and walked past him.

Mag turned slowly and watched his brother enter the living room.

"Smells good, sis. Did you make beignets?" Gavin's neck craned to see into the kitchen. When his gaze passed over me, his eyes widened, and he headed straight toward me. "Hey, darlin'," he said with an animated Southern drawl I'd never really noticed before."What're youdoing here?"

I quickly dropped the dishes in the sink and turned to greet him. My heart beat erratically in my chest. I'd been caught. We'd been caught breaking rules. What did I say? How was I supposed to act around Gavin now?

I'd spent my life following rules and then allowed myself one night of hedonism, and now I was paying for it almost instantly with Gavin facing me down in front of his family at breakfast the next morning.

My body was still tender from Mag's touch, and now Gavin was engulfing me in a giant bear hug. I kept my arms by my side as he squeezed my chest to his. He was so much smaller than Magnum but no less intimidating with his big personality and swagger.

"I have missed your face, beautiful." He gripped my upper arms and pressed his lips to my cheek. "Muah!" His dramatic tone totally shocked me. Could he not read the room at all? He'd just sauntered in like he owned the place and put his hands all over me, claiming me with a big kiss on my cheek.

When he stepped back, I immediately looked to Magnum for guidance. I felt lost and adrift like I'd been pulled over by the police for drunk driving after downing a whole bottle of vodka.

Magnum's face did not help at all. His brows were low, eyes sad, shoulders shrugged like he'd been struggling watching Gavin embrace me. That expression was pure pain. I might as well have been his foster mother promising to protect him while throwing him to the wolves. I'd wounded him.

God! What had I done? I just let Gavin hug and kiss me and didn't even try to stop him. In my stupid inactivity, I'd hurt Magnum. I needed to fix it, but Gavin commanded the room as he turned to hug Sylvie and her kids. As he shook hands with Jameel, I tried to catch Mag's gaze, but his eyes were firmly locked on his phone.

When his head came up, the hurt was gone and steely determination had replaced it. He pocketed his phone and then lasered in on Gavin, not sparing a glance for me.

Shoot. Now I was scared for Gavin. Mag's nostrils flared and his chest puffed out. Oh shit. He looked like a bull preparing to charge.

Gavin sat down at the table we were clearing as though he expected to be served.

Sylvie looked around at all of us, and her voice wavered as she tried to break the tension. "It's good to see you, Gav. We were wondering where you were."

"I've been around." He shrugged and reached for a napkin in a holder at the center of the table.

"I've been calling you," Sylvie said, her frustration starting to show in her voice. She leaned in like she was trying to get his attention, but he was still oblivious to the growing tension, or pretending to be anyway.

"Oh really? Didn't get the message. I'm here now." He spread the napkin and made a show of flattening it on his lap. Finally, he looked up at her. "How you doin'? Can I get some of those beignets?"

"I didn't make beignets." Sylvie frowned. "I didn't make them because I was at the parade last night with our familyon the float that I worked on for six months. The float that you were not on."

Gavin blinked at her several times. "Well, bring me whatever's left over. I ain't picky."

Sylvie blew out a slow breath and headed back to the kitchen. "You kids go play. Mommy needs to have a talk with Uncle Gavin."

Jameel guided the kids outside and stood next to Mag as he closed the door. Mag silently watched his phone as Sylvie handed Gavin a plate of grits and sausage. "We were worried about you."

"You don't need to do that. I always land on my feet. Like a cat that way." Gavin dug into his food. "Come sit next to me, darlin'." He patted the chair next to him for me to sit, and I glared at Mag for direction, but he was still refusing to look at me as he intently stared at his phone.

"Uh, I'm just gonna finish these dishes." I turned back to the sink and started running water over the dirty dishes.

Gavin ate in silence for a few awkward minutes as Sylvie continued to ask him questions that he evaded answering.

Mag and Jameel said nothing, and the air grew thicker as time passed. It was so unlike Mag not to act quickly. He was always rushing in to save me, but right now he was letting Sylvie handle Gavin and keeping his distance from me.

Gavin put his fork down and looked Sylvie in the eye. "You look skinny, Syl. You eating enough?"

Sylvie leaned back in her chair and stammered to answer. Mag slipped his phone in his pocket and focused on Gavin.

I watched from the kitchen as he approached the table and stood behind Gavin's chair. "Let's go talk in the safe room."

Gavin twisted his head to look back at him. "Why?"

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