Page 69 of True Anchor

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How would I ever evade someone like Magnum? I couldn't outrun him. I had to outsmart him for nine more minutes.

Silently, an ominous shadow appeared at the top of the stairs, and I fought a squeak as he surveyed the place like he could see in the dark. When I saw the back of his head, I took off running as fast as I could the other way.

He laughed as he chased after me with slow, methodic steps. He knew he could catch me easily, and my hiding spots were limited.

At most, two minutes had passed, but the grounds were too open and well lit for me to run anywhere without him seeing. I made a hard right at the bottom of the stairs and came to the top of a hiking trail that led down the steep slope into the chaparral below.

He'd said to stay on concrete, but this path was compacted dirt. It was clearly off limits, and yet my racing heart and the fear gripping my chest didn't care about following the rules. I needed to survive, and this way offered more cover and better places to hide from Mag's keen eyes. I only needed to ditch him for a few minutes, then I'd climb back up to announce myself the winner.

I darted out onto the dirt path and stumbled as my bare feet hit a sharp rock. "Ow, ouch, oh shoot, ow." I hobbled further down until the trail switched back on itself in a hairpin turn. As my eyes adjusted, I spotted a smaller footpath off the corner that made it easy to climb behind a dense bush. I didn't dare explore deeper because I didn't know what kind of creatures roamed the Hollywood Hills at night. Probably nothing worse than a coyote, but I'd heard of bobcats and mountain lions too. Plus without shoes, I couldn't go much farther.

So I crouched down again and kept my gaze on the top of the path.

Several minutes went by with no sounds from Magnum at all, just the chirping of crickets, the constant rushing of the freeway, and a few terrifying little swishes next to me in the dark.

Maybe I had done it. He'd assumed I wouldn't break the rules, and he was still looking for me up on the main grounds. Huh. I'd outsmarted him.

But how would I know when I'd won? Would he say ollie ollie oxen free?

I squinted to see up the path, but I was sure he hadn't come down it.

My heart flitted with the prospect of winning when the brush crunched directly behind me.

Uh oh.

"Time's up," Mag's deep voice bellowed and a thick arm wrapped around my waist, lifting me off the ground.

"No." I kicked and squirmed. "I won. Put me down."

He effortlessly carried me across the path over to the base of the observatory where a curved concrete wall was anchored in the dirt of a steep slope. He placed me on my feet and smashed my back into the wall as he pinned me with his body. His warm hand wrapped around my neck. "You broke the rules," he said with crazy eyes which were lined up with mine because he was lower down the slope.

"So did you," I countered as I struggled to catch my breath.

His eyes flashed, and he grinned. "Good girl."

God, he was gorgeous. "I won," I said.

The grip on my neck tightened. Not enough to stop the airflow but enough to let me know that he was in charge and he could press tighter if he wanted to. "No. You didn't. I caught you."

"So now what? Are you gonna torture mebecause—"

His lips slammed down on mine, and I arched up to meet him.

He angled his big body to shelter me from the view of the path. Then the onslaught began. Hips ground into my belly, a hand traveled up my side and cupped my breast. "You're supposed to resist," he murmured.

"Okay." My hands were all over him, tugging his shirt out of his pants, exploring the bumpy muscles underneath. I felt up his massive shoulders and down to his rock hard ass. My thumb brushed over the hard metal of his gun, and, lightning fast, his hand snaked out to remove it from his waistband. He put it inside his jacket pocket, which I hadn't even realized was on his arm, and then carefully placed the jacket on the ground next to us. He straightened and then groaned as he thrust his hips into my belly.

My whole body spasmed and throbbed. How could he be so sexy? I couldn't imagine ever wanting anyone more than I wanted him right now.

I worked my hand around the front of his pants, and I was shocked when he didn't stop me. He ended the kiss, released my neck, and looked down to watch. I fumbled with the button of his pants but got them open. I yanked the zipper down, and his cock was right there. Dark fabric covered it, and in the seclusion of our little hiding spot, I couldn't see it very well.

I wrapped my hand around the length of it and felt his girth. It barely fit in my hand, but I rubbed my palm against it, and a rusty moan erupted from his throat.

A slice of panic cut through me. I didn't know what to do. Gavin and I hadn't gone this far before, and Mag was much more experienced.

He gripped my hand and stroked it up and down on his cock. His head flew back, eyes closed, mouth open. Wow. I didn't expect such a reaction from him, but I guessed I was doing it right because he seemed to like it.

My body ignited into an inferno, starving to make him react even more. I rubbed it as hard as I could, my fingers squeezing at the tip.

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