Page 40 of True Anchor

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It sounded really interesting, and I wasn't averse to the idea if it could help me. "So, like what would be the purpose if we tried it?

She picked up a notepad and a pen. "What is your biggest fear that you want to work on?"

I hadn't really put labels on all the anxiety I was feeling. "Mostly I'm afraid of being at the party and everyone will look at me. The dress is... intimidating. It doesn't cover my arms." We shared a look that told me she'd seen the marks. "I'm worried that they won't believe Mag is Gavin, or he'll get hurt trying to protect me."

She listened attentively and wrote a few brief notes. "I understand. It sounds terrifying to me to face all of that alone." She was good at this, her voice was rich with compassion and empathy.

"I have confidence in Magnum and his team, but I'm worried that I'll do something to blow his cover and put him in danger."

"Those are all very valid concerns." She took my hand in hers. "And since you only have a few days to work on it, I think hypnotherapy might help. Since all those worries are focused on the one event, I would recommend some kind of visualization to assist you in collecting your fears in one place and then disposing of it or destroying it."

I liked that idea. "Like a trash can?"

"If that works for you. Or maybe some kind of cleansing with water or fire."

"Ooh, I'd love to burn it down," I said with a little too much enthusiasm.

She laughed. "We could do something where you are safe on an island of water, and you toss your worries through a ring of fire."

"What if there was a fire breathing dragon that could just incinerate them?" I'd always loved dragons for some reason I couldn't explain.

"That works too. We'd make it your dragon, friendly to you, and it could defend you against all the eyeballs and threats looking at you when you imagine yourself at the party."

"And Magnum too. I want my dragon to keep him safe."

"Great idea." Her eyes lit up like she was as excited as I was to conquer this.

"When can we do it?"

She looked at her watch. "Tomorrow at this time works. Today I have an appointment after lunch. All the new hires come through here."

"I met a new guy named Kane just now." The image of the big Polynesian tech guy came back to my mind. He was very serious about his work but was nice enough to take the time to teach me.

"Yes. That's him. He's a temp contractor right now. They're not sure if they're going to offer him a position yet, so they just asked me to screen him."

"He seemed pretty normal to me. At least compared to Magnum and his friends. Much more sociable and a lot less scary."

She chuckled. "Normal is subjective and outward appearances can be deceiving. These guys are so welltrained in pretending to be what they are not, it's difficult to get down to the truth."

"True. I get that sense from Mag. So much going on there, and I don't even know the tip of the iceberg yet."

She nodded knowingly. This was veering into gossip, and I was sure she had professional rules she had to follow regarding that. I didn't want to get her in trouble.

"I'll come back tomorrow at this time and we'll try it."

"Sure. See you then."



The next day, after an intense morning in the tech room with the team, I went to Fiona's office at lunch time again. It had been more than two days since I'd seen or heard from Magnum.

"How are you doing at Stella's?" she asked me after inviting me into her office and exchanging greetings.


"Still worried about the magic show on Valentine's Day?"

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