Page 30 of True Anchor

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"I'm a therapist. What do you need right now?"

Mag brought me a therapist? Did he know I was that messed up even though I'd tried so hard to hide it? "I'm not coming out there."

"That's fine. I understand you're scared. I heard there was a bomb set off at your workplace. That must've been terrifying for you."

Oh yeah, the bomb. I'd almost forgotten with all the activity this morning. "I also have no bra! There's blood in my hair. Magnum is... I'm just overwhelmed." This was too much to process. It would be difficult alone but impossible with a room full of strangers out there. They'd be asking me questions about Magnum I didn't have answers to. I had no ideawhat was going on with us. I didn't know where Gavin was. I was just a disjointed mess all around.

"Alright, sweetie. I brought some supplies and clothes with me. You think you could open the door first and then we'll take it step by step?"

Clothes? She brought clothes? I almost wept at the idea of having clothes to wear. "Can anyone else see?" I asked her.

"No. I closed the bedroom door. It's just you and me. I promise it's all just between us. I won't tell Magnum or anybody anything that happens."

Her voice was very calm and friendly. I slowly opened the door. A pretty woman, a little older and taller than me, stood there with her hair in two braids on the sides like a cowgirl. Her brown-rimmed glasses made her look smart. "Hi," I muttered, feeling stupid for my freak out. Her outfit was cute. Faded jeans, strappy sandals with a small heel, and a cable-knitted brown sweater. She was just another human being and probably friendly if Magnum allowed her back here to talk to me.

"Wanna let me in?" Her big chestnut eyes gazed at me with patient kindness.

I opened the door farther and kept my head down as she looked at me in my disheveled state. "You're doing great, Wren."

"No, I'm not." I huffed a sigh. It was nice of her to try, but I was not handling this well. I was handling this like a girl who'd never left the safety of her bakery before.

"You were very brave to let me in. Are you hurt?" Her face twisted with concern that seemed genuine even though she'd only just met me.

I touched my head and looked at my reflection over my shoulder. "Mag cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide and put bandages on my arms."

"Yes. He did a good job. What do you need first?"

"I think I need to shower?" I felt crusty and dirty all over.

"Okay. Let me start it for you." She turned on the shower and did some shuffling around in her bag. "I put some body soap and shampoo, but you might not want to scrub the wounds yet. Just let the warm water wash over you and heal you in this moment. I'll be just outside if you need me." She walked to the door and closed it behind her, leaving me alone in the bathroom that was starting to fill with steam.

I peeled off Magnum's shirt, my underwear, and the bandage on my knee. The bruise was darker today, but the scrape was healing. The hot water scalded my arms as I walked into the unfamiliar shower stall, and my hands shook as I adjusted it down.

A million thoughts peppered my brain, but I tried to remember what she'd said about healing and focus on the here and now. Slowly, the water weighed my hair down, and I closed my eyes to let it rinse over my face.


I gasped, hearing the phantom shots and feeling the glass striking my back all over again. I reached up and drifted my fingers over my scalp under my hair. Nothing was embedded in my skin anymore even though it felt like they were still there. The crusty blood slowly melted away.

Healing. I am healing. Positive thoughts.

Eventually Kenny would give up his crazy pursuit of me, Magnum was here, and I felt confident in him, Gavin would return soon, hopefully. Oh boy, then what would happen?

I pushed that thought away as I removed the smaller bandages from the backs of my arms. Magnum had taken care of me so gently for such a big guy. He'd massaged my skin and stayed close so I could sleep.

Maybe the team didn't even see me in the T-shirt, and this could be a fresh start with new friends, people that Magnum knew and were most likely friendly like Fiona.

After a few minutes, I did feel calmer and then I felt silly for losing my composure. I turned off the water and used a towel to gently dry my skin. The wounds ached a little but not too bad as I dried my hair. I was healing.

"I think I'm okay now," I said to Fiona through the door.

"Good. Can I come back in?"


She walked in slowly and went to her bag. "Let's see what we have that might fit you."

"I'm mostly worried about a bra."

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