Page 62 of Fighting for Foster

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"Not waiting any longer, Mila. Tomorrow, we talk to your dad and tell him about us. We deal with the consequences together."

She shakes her head and bites her lip. "I don't want him to ruin this."

"We won't let him. If he's the loving father he says he is, he should support his daughter in finding and choosing the person she loves. I've earned so much street cred with him, he'd have to work really hard to find a reason I'm not good enough for you."

She takes a deep breath and turns her head to the side to look at me. "What if he scares you away? There's been other guys I was interested in."

I growl and squeeze her hip because I really don't want to hear about other guys. "You really think he can scare me away? After all these years and all I've done to get my chance with you? He knows me. I have money now. I can pass for Italian. There's no reason for him to reject me for you. If he does, screw him. We don't need his consent."

She nods but it's not convincing.

"Tell me right now, Mila. If it comes down to it, you'd choose me over him."

Her chin dips and her shoulders droop. "Don't make me choose." She sighs like it's a cardinal sin to walk away from a man who beats you and controls you.

I pull back and stare at her. "Is this a difficult question? Even now? Because maybe you're not feeling what I'm feeling, but this is important. This is us. Explain to me how you couldmake that choice." There's bitterness in my voice, but I can't hide it.

Her eyes plead with me to understand, but I just don't get her. "Since my mom died, I'm the glue. I work hard to keep the family together. Without me, they would all fall apart."

I soften my voice because yelling isn't going to solve this problem. "The weight of the Bianchi universe is not on your shoulders."

Her fingers trail down my cheek and she slants her head. "Please. Don't make me choose. Let's find a way to make it all work out. I'd never ask you to choose me over Henry."

I kiss her and stand up. We're quiet for a long time as we use the restroom and dress. I can still smell her enticing scent on me so I leave her there and walk to the kitchen. I hadn't even thought of what I'd do if I had to leave Henry. I'd always assumed I'd never leave him for any reason. But if it came down to her or him, what would I do? I'd be torn up inside. That must be how she's feeling now so I need to try to understand. I grab a beer from the fridge and rest my back on it as the door closes.

She steps into the kitchen and leans her shoulder on the doorframe.

"I get it," I say to her and take a sip of beer. "I get it."

"You do?"

"Yeah." I raise my arm for her to come to me.

She does and tucks her shoulder under my arm, her hand coming to my bare stomach.

I kiss the top of her head as she runs her hand up and down my chest. "We'll talk to your dad tomorrow. Hopefully he won't make you choose. I want you to have everything you need."

Chapter 18 Vaughn

Vaughn Bianchi sent me to the South Bronx tonight saying he wants me to meet with Sal Giordano again, but I met with him last week and got the money. He can't be behind on another payment that fast.

The address leads me to an old corrugated metal warehouse that smells like piss and is surrounded by trash. Suspicious as hell. Vaughn must be going downhill if his clients are meeting in shitholes like this.

As the door creaks open, my fight or flight radar goes off. I'm reaching for my gun when something rustles behind me. I pivot in time to see Rocco coming at me full speed.

I brace, get my guard up, and block his attack with a clumsy forearm to his neck. It doesn't knock him down, and his face sets in anger. "What the hell, Rocco? What's your problem? Still sour I humiliated your ass?"

"Fuck you." He has a nice dark purple shiner around his eye. I nailed him good.

I open my arms inviting him to attack again. "You want another go at me? I won't hold back this time, and you'll be in a wheelchair for a year if you're not dead."

He's breathing heavy from his first pass. His eyes glow wild and he looks from side to side like someone's coming for him. What the hell is his problem?

I can't see into the dark corners of the warehouse but I get the feeling we're not alone.

Shit. Yep. Two more guys. I don't recognize them. But they come at me slowly from each side. One is bigger than me and looks mean as hell. The other guy is more milktoast and smaller like Rocco.

"Why'd you bring your boys, Rocco? Afraid you can't take me alone?"

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